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Senior Member
Jersey City
Rating - 100%
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Not to offend anyone if they truely enjoy this show, but this has got to be one of the dumbest most annoying shows in the history of BET.

All it is human dog fighting with annoying celebrities like T Payne egging and laughing at their people get their arses kicked so they can make some money. Half the trainers in the show aren't even qualified to train. There is this one guy from Bed Stuy that barely speaks english.

This kind of show has set back the hip hop culture for years. It does absolutely nothing good. If some people think this is comparable to UFC, it is not.

Guys like Tpayne, little wayne would get their Arses kicked, but yet you have these guys yelling at their fighters and egging on by saying dumb stuff.

Seeing shows like this makes me upset. It really does not do any good for society, hip hop culture or african american youths. There are other bad shows out their like The Hills, Bratz and such, but this one is pretty bad.

My two cents.

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