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Im BaAaAcK
Bedford Hills
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Well 2yrs ago I posted pics of my koi pond we built in the backyard... Fast forward a year or so to last year ... when the horrific koi massacre happened the night of my cousins wedding ... got some far away shots of the thing but never got close ... turns out it was some kind of heron i believe, well the sucker came back today checking out the scene (we now have netting over the pond so he cant get that long beak in there ..)

A tip off to it coming back was the massive droppings we found on the roof this weekend lol ...

Anyway here is a quick clip, it knew i was trying to catch it, just as i got close it flew away ... keep your eye on the left side of the screen, its light gray ...

http://youtube.com/watch?v=<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/MbNyHGKYlJk&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/MbNyHGKYlJk&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

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Barnum Island
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Wow Chris that is awful!! Those fellas can decimate a pond in short order.
Pretty pond too!!

I think I've been lucky with mine as the have the Atlantic about 200 feet away to hunt in and I have almost no area they can use as a landing strip..too many trees, bushes & decking right next to the pond.

umm btw..they are herons...lol
Here are some additional tips to protect the pond and not obscure the beauty of it..

More pics please? :)


Barnum Island
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I think it's illegal to shoot them..last I heard they were still protected.
Best to protect the pond and leave beautiful birds like that alone...IMO...


Im BaAaAcK
Bedford Hills
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lol, too funny. A herring is a fish. That was a blue Heron. I've had them devour the fish in my pond too. :mad:


Be nice lol, i was too excited to post this and did not realize what i wrote :irked: ...
So Heron huh

And funny thing is for years my parents have had this 3 foot metal heron sculpture in the garden right near the pond, (my mother being an art teacher always looking for these kinds of things lol)... turns out the bird that comes to visit every year is an exact replica ... very ironic....ill have to take a pic of it ...
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Fairfield NJ
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I have heard of these birds taking 1000 of dollars worth of fish. I heard if you dig your pond deep enough it helps. and they have some nets you can put over your pond. but that doesnt help. I say get a dog should help lol.


One to Ignore
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My buddy shoot one last year beacuse it eat about 10 koi from his pond,he even gut its stomach out and found one alive still,these birds could eat and eat if they find your pond.Thank god they have not seen my house yet

If he shot himself, that would keep the bird from eating his koi too. He wouldn't be able to put any back into the pond. Just a thought that would probably work out better for everybody involved.


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My buddy shoot one last year beacuse it eat about 10 koi from his pond,he even gut its stomach out and found one alive still,these birds could eat and eat if they find your pond.Thank god they have not seen my house yet

wow that's awesome, not only is he an idiot but also a felon.
herons are on the endangered species list.

there are many other ways to protect your pond without having to kill herons.


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Digging a deeper pond ( unless its much deeper ) wont help sooo much because the koi will come to the shallows to warm up and the herons are adept fishermen. Better off putting a net over your pond. People do that to keep the racoons out as well.

As an aside, some herons have been know to fish. They pluck a feather of theirs out and drop it on the water. As fish come to investigate, they get gobbled up.

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