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Alrighty so I'm a sophmore at Fordham University and for my Electronic Media class I was asked to interview someone who works in the media industries, problem is I dont know anyone who works in the Media Industry. So I figured it would'nt hurt to ask around and the first place I thought of was...tada.. here! :lol: So anyone willing to help me out? Its only a few questions...about 8- 10, nothing personal, they will mainly relate to your own education, job, experiences, and feelings about the media industry now. Thanks for reading, Tom.


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This sounds like something Combellick is making you do.

Have you tried Fordham's Alumni network? Go to the career center and they'll give you a cd to sift through. Surprisingly, alumni are very nice and maybe a job/internship might come out of it, as it did for me. Good luck.

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