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I was just wondering if one of the mods can explain why threads on the nudibar get closed? I thought that section was for any kind of ( as long as its clean ) conversation that is non-reef. Why does it matter if a thread goes off topic ? ( This is not a bash a mod thread ).


The All Powerful OZ
Staff member
The Big City
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The Nudibar is for off topic threads, not reef related, but they must stay on topic and not get too heated. Political conversation or posts against companies, which can and usually do lead to arguments, may get shut down by a Mod if he thinks that they're getting off the original topic or too Heated. If a member wants to have a political conversation, or rant against a company, they can take it to any of the 000's of forums where that talk would be appropriate.


- Untitled -
Da B - X
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Site rules:

"Moderation: The Admins and mods will interpreted these rules and apply them to the site. It's not personal.

This is NOT a site for political conversation. We understand that there are common political issues that people would like to discuss on occasion (ex. Transit Strike, local employment issues, real estate and other legal issues). These topics are permitted in the Off Topic forum (The Nudibar). The moderators will shut down any conversation that goes off course or seems to getting “too heated”. If you want to talk about politics, there are several thousand other places devoted to this conversation. Use Google."

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