Both will cost about the same i think. The problem i see with video cameras is formats for video are constantly changing. I would go with a digital SLR. just my opinion.
i like taking photos underwater. You dont always get the best pics but you get some nice ones. Also i think it adds to the dive. Because when underwater you depending on where you dive I seem to be overwhelmed by tons of beautiful stuff and you might just pass over some really great things. But when i have my camera I am focused more on the small things. It slows the dive down and i feel it makes things better.
thanks. sounds like it enhances the dive. I saw the pics from when you went to Palawan, my wife says it's cheaper to go to other Asian dive spots than to book a trip back home, maybe Bali?
I hear you about having someone back home do it, online prices are such rip-offs. cant resist Davao, people seems warmer. Parang Tourism grads ang nag tratrabaho sa Palawan...LOL
Im not philippino lol my wife is. But we had a great time. Club paradise is the place I went too. It's a private island. The people are wonderful their. I return every year its so great. Its almost like family.