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Be careful with pop medical/health sites. Taking extra magnesium, orally, will actually cause you to poop more since the intestines have a limited rate of absorption. Its a laxative ( think Milk of Magnesium ). Just learned about that an hour ago...reading not experimentation. Though a nice warm bath in magnesium (Epson ) salts is very soothing.


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jejton, taking too much magnesium will make you poop i.e. Milk of Magnesia. If you take a quality chelated supplement at recommended doasge should not make you poop, at least not me :) If you search "Magnesium deficiency" you will find much info.


OG of this here reef game
Marine Park
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jejton, taking too much magnesium will make you poop i.e. Milk of Magnesia. If you take a quality chelated supplement at recommended doasge should not make you poop, at least not me :) If you search "Magnesium deficiency" you will find much info.

Did you seriously just tell a med student, who relayed the contents of a class he just took on magnesium and it's effect on the body, to do some research? :biglaugh:


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jejton, taking too much magnesium will make you poop i.e. Milk of Magnesia. If you take a quality chelated supplement at recommended doasge should not make you poop, at least not me :) If you search "Magnesium deficiency" you will find much info.

You're right. The thing is most Americans do get enough magnesium and the body has a limited rate of absorption.


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Did you seriously just tell a med student, who relayed the contents of a class he just took on magnesium and it's effect on the body, to do some research? :biglaugh:

Thanks Fred! But another part of the new wave in medical education is teaching us doctors to be that we are not gods and always have more to learn ( just dont tell anyone I admitted to it ).


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Did you seriously just tell a med student, who relayed the contents of a class he just took on magnesium and it's effect on the body, to do some research? :biglaugh:

How do I know the guy is a med student butthead????

Yes, and I did tell him to do research :)
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Here's what a quick search at the DoH site brought up.

Toxic symptoms from increased magnesium intake are not common because the body eliminates excess amounts. Magnesium excess almost always occurs only when magnesium is supplemented as a medication.
Magnesium deficiency is rare. The symptoms include muscle weakness, fatigue, hyperexcitability, and sleepiness. Deficiency of magnesium can occur in alcoholics or people whose magnesium absorption is decreased due to surgery, burns, or problems with malabsorption (inadequate absorption of nutrients from the intestinal tract). Certain medications or low blood levels of calcium may be associated with magnesium deficiency.
Deficiency symptoms have three categories:
  • Early symptoms include irritability, anorexia, fatigue, insomnia, and muscle twitching. Other symptoms include poor memory, apathy, confusion, and reduced ability to learn.
  • Moderate deficiency symptoms consist of rapid heartbeat and other cardiovascular changes.
  • Severe deficiency of magnesium could lead to tingling, numbness, sustained contraction of the muscles, and hallucinations and delirium. ..............


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jejton, I actually saw that in my search.

The thing that got me interested in the first place was a book I was reading in the gym It was named aminos or something. I can't remember the authors name. A whole chapter was devoted to Magnesium. After searching the net I saw lots of articles talking about Mag deficiencies etc... I just thought I would bring it up. I have no idea of the truth of the matter.

I did start taking a Mag supplement so if I notice a difference I will be able to give you a first hand experience :)
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You have to be careful when reading medical books because many of the 'pop' books are a bunch of crap. They take a grain of truth, distort it and then hide it in a bunch of 'medicalese' and 'pseudoscience' in order to make a buck. If you're lucky the only thing they try to sell you is the book but most of them are tied into some kind of marketing of supplements, diets, etc. I'm not saying thats what your book was. It could have been a bonafide medical/health book. As for the supplements, you're better off in eating the right foods. We recently had a bunch of classes on nutrition and one of the student's asked the nutritionist if a person can subsist on taking the essential vitamins and minerals only in pill form along with some fillers for the calories and still be healthy. The answer was an unequivical no. The reasoning is that fruits, vegetables, grains, etc. have thousands of chemicals who's properties we have only touched the surface of. The ones that are listed on food labels and you constantly hear about are the only the big ones we know about and have studied for many years but are far from the only ones we need to be healthy.
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Rich, my parents are both doctors and when I was heavy into the gym and reading up on supplements, they would constantly hand me actual medical studies published in reputable journals on each one. The big thing I took away from all of them was that 95% of what's out there is either crap or will eventually cause a problem down the line (ie. creatine will cause kidney failure). Good diet is the best thing you can take. Also, a lot of the "studies" that you see or read about are a load of crap based on a handful of subjects that exhibited the results the author was looking for. As a side note I have a stack of studies that show that the bluetooth hands free sets everyone is so fond of, can raise your chances of brain cancer by 70% due to the focused energy beam directly to your brain that is normally somewhat dispersed by your skull on a regular cell phone. So not only do they not make you look important they can also kill you much faster than a regular phone.


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Why not a biochemist? You need to speak to a well educated and intelligent person whether it be a physician, pharmacist or biochemist. As an Ob/gyn, we use magnesium to treat preterm labor and preeclampsia so i'm pretty knowledgeable about the effects, risks and toxicities of magnesium. My uncle teaches pharmacology at a major pharmacy school and often asks me about clinical sequelae of certain drugs and supplements. My point is you can get correct answers from many different types of professionals.
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OG of this here reef game
Marine Park
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I'd ask this guy:


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upper east side
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Never seen or heard of a healthy person without a chonic medical condition who eats a well balanced diet to be mag. deficient. Impossible to have "therapeutic" mag level i.e treat preterm labor or prevent seizures due to preeclampsia with oral supplements. Healthy kidneys and a healthy gi system will excrete any excess mag the body does not need. I'm sure someone can find a case report of some person who became mag toxic by taking excessive amounts of magnesium, but i haven't. I'm actually on the labor floor now with 2 patients in labor. I'll ask the anesthesiologists -who are very knowledgeable on human physiology. The most important take home fact is that magnesium has a very small safety window. When we place patients on Mag (Intravenous), we are checking their mag levels every couple of hours. Magnesium is "natural" but it can kill you, but it would be hard to do this by taking it orally.
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