jejton, taking too much magnesium will make you poop i.e. Milk of Magnesia. If you take a quality chelated supplement at recommended doasge should not make you poop, at least not meIf you search "Magnesium deficiency" you will find much info.
jejton, taking too much magnesium will make you poop i.e. Milk of Magnesia. If you take a quality chelated supplement at recommended doasge should not make you poop, at least not meIf you search "Magnesium deficiency" you will find much info.
Did you seriously just tell a med student, who relayed the contents of a class he just took on magnesium and it's effect on the body, to do some research? :biglaugh:
Did you seriously just tell a med student, who relayed the contents of a class he just took on magnesium and it's effect on the body, to do some research? :biglaugh: