I had him for 2 Years and he was great i got him when he was bout 2 inches and had a little itty bitty red hook. he now had a 3 inch Hook and a 6 inch body he was solid muscle.... He got eye cloud after everywater change i would add a little salt he would be fine
2 months ago i had to use the medication to treat it it was good up until last week. i put the medication in but nothing happened he stayed the same. So i QT him in a 20 gallon iit got a little better and was only on 1 eye. this morning i found him nose down covered in it eyes fins everything. i qt'ed him again but he was just panting for breathe. i put him back in the main tank to waait it out. He most likely wont make it since my parameters are almost perfect except for the .50 ammonia and if medication wont work what will?
:headache::sad2::grumpy: i cant express how bad i feel and how terrible he must feel
2 months ago i had to use the medication to treat it it was good up until last week. i put the medication in but nothing happened he stayed the same. So i QT him in a 20 gallon iit got a little better and was only on 1 eye. this morning i found him nose down covered in it eyes fins everything. i qt'ed him again but he was just panting for breathe. i put him back in the main tank to waait it out. He most likely wont make it since my parameters are almost perfect except for the .50 ammonia and if medication wont work what will?
:headache::sad2::grumpy: i cant express how bad i feel and how terrible he must feel