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Just in case anyone got curious about Direct Buy Wholesale furniture, don't waste your time. To become a member your dues are $4500 initial payment and $583 per year. Curiosity got the best of me and I attended one of their meetings. I tried to get gas money from the guy for wasting my time :D
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Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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Direct Buy isn't that bad of a scam. My parents joined awhile back and definitely saved a ton of money. One of the bedroom sets I bought my girls would have cost me $7500 at retail, I think I paid $2700.

For a couple of purchases it is definitely not worth it, but if you know that in the next couple of years we will be buying a lot of crap, like a home renovation than it can be worth it.

I'm probably going to be buying my kitchen cabinets through them in the next month. I mean my Mom's going to be buying kitchen cabinets:wink1:.



Advanced Reefer
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Direct buy is a good deal if you are remodelling your home, i bought my kitchen cabinets from them and saved over 14k using them, they are not good for your single item purchases but if you going to do major renovations on your home, i would look into it.


No More Room :-(
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We nearly got hooked into the Direct Buy thing when we did our remodel, but they were very stingy in letting me see "exactly" what merchandise I was going to be able to buy. They offered information on certain vedors and brands but not what merchandise or models were available. For me personally I thought it was very vague.

Give us your money and then you can browse seemed to be the deal when we had gone there two years ago. That didn't fly for me and we said thanks but no thanks.

Not sure if we "missed out" or didn't but the whole thing I found to be a bit shady. I like to know exactly what I am getting myself into especially when dropping that kind of cash just to gain membership someplace. I still don't know of anyone that has a membership there, and am glad we didn't have to buy everything we needed from one place.


OG of this here reef game
Marine Park
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Just go to Bob's Discount Furniture, they have good stuff. It's the same as what everyone else sells at 75%-150% above their prices.

One word of caution though, not all their stuff is equal. Some things are higher end (dovetail joints etc) and some aren't within the same price range.


Tim`s Aquatics
Rockland County
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I used to be a member when I first moved into my home. I saved about $5000 on my diningroom furniture. I also set up a couple of other room`s saving a considerable amount of money.It was great for what I needed.......


Senior Member
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Just go to Bob's Discount Furniture, they have good stuff. It's the same as what everyone else sells at 75%-150% above their prices.

One word of caution though, not all their stuff is equal. Some things are higher end (dovetail joints etc) and some aren't within the same price range.

Are you kidding! Most of their furniture is crap. If you pay attention to detail and craftsmanship you will notice all of the flaws on the Bob's furniture. Its not worth saving a couple hundred for something that will not hold up after a few years.

I too looked into Direct Buy. I called and they did not answer any of my questions. They told me that I had to attend a seminar. A friend of a friend told me that once you attend their seminar you are asked to sign up for membership. If you refuse then they blacklist you and you cannot go back to them for a number of years. Also, like stated above, you do not get to see the majority of the furniture and materials available for sale. Im glad I didnt join. Everything was too questionable.


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I'm probably going to be buying my kitchen cabinets through them in the next month. I mean my Mom's going to be buying kitchen cabinets:wink1:.


This is how it has to be done.

I just thought it was very shady for them to ask you to spend $4500 without giving time to think about it. Their defense was they didn't want us to see the wholesale costs of their many items and take that info to the street. TOTAL BS


Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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That's the problem. While the idea is good, their personel totally suck. Why they have to use high pressure tactics to force people into a decision I don't know. Also when I go with my Mom some staff there won't let me see the prices. Sometimes I have to pretend I'm my Mom's contractor and they show us the books w/o the price list and after a selections made they'll ask me to wait "over there" while they tell my Mom the price.


Junior Member
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thanks for this thread, I was considering this venue and now I see that the old axiom of 'caveat emptor' is alive and well :smash:

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