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Advanced Reefer
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i remember now......it was the house with the train attendant who would crank the gate open and close when the train was coming.....no pics....no room to set it up anymore, reef tank took over that spot


Barnum Island
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My son has some LGB's and every now & then talk turns to putting it out in the yard..with a bridge across the pond.
Not happening..besides there are too many roots out there for the trestles.

A bunch of years ago, I used to kitbash for the HO scale layout here...I scratchbuilt this rollercoaster and designed it to run a modded N scale train. It was part of a huge amusement park that was added to the layout.
Now I play with fishtanks...and boats :)


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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I have some Lionel trains that have been collecting dust for over 30 years. My sons friend saw them & wanted to buy some of them. I have no clue what to charge him. Does anyone know of any forums or websites where I could get an idea of how much my trains & accessories are worth so I could get a fair price ???? :scratchch


Old School Reefer
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Thanks Wing. That would be so cool. I could attempt making my own semaphore.

SIReefer, just do a google on Lionel train boards. I'm so positive that you'll find more than you can read. It's like a cult with Lionel.


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