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She's a Shitzu...
And last nite when I was looking for her I keep calling her name and I hear some dog bark that sound like her, and I went to the house and knock on the door.. but the owner said that's her dog was barking.. Not once couple times already.. I really hope nothing happen to her.. Cuz she doesn't know how to cross the street.. and with yesterday I am sure she must be scare with so many people trying to catch her..
And I didn't sleep last nite at all.. Especially it was raining.. Thinking if she's safe in someone home or she's outside.. :( The more I think I am more depress... Lots of bad things happen to me since the year start..
Btw, I did call all the animal shelter and I even register with them.. Hopefully she's ok and I'll find her soon..

Thanks for everyone of you.. Thanks for all the support... I really need it.. Once again.. Thanks


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I have her for over 6 years and everynite she sleep with me.. Last nite without her in my bed.. It doesn't feel right.. and when I ask around yesterday, some people told me she was crossing the street.. and that's a busy traffic street too...


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Mak don't give up hope. If people saw her that's a good thing. Keep putting up flyers, speak to people in the area that own shops, if it's a busy area someone probably rescued her.


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Ask the neighbors of the person who had a dog barking to see if he/she truly had a dog before. Some people will take a dog in and try to say that it is theirs.

Keep putting up posters in the area. Hope you find her soon.


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Ask the neighbors of the person who had a dog barking to see if he/she truly had a dog before. Some people will take a dog in and try to say that it is theirs.

Keep putting up posters in the area. Hope you find her soon.

I totally agree with Leo!! Some people can't seem to understand what these little guys mean to their family, and will try to keep them if they like them enough! So do ask the other neighbors, and keep an eye on that particular house. See if they take the dog out for a walk.

By the way, my 3 dogs got out a few months back. (I'm sure someone opened the gate) They crossed a very busy boulevard. My dogs also do not now how to cross streets, or so I thought! All three were found safe & sound!;)
I tell you this so that you can see that miracles do happen!;) Please don't loose hope! I will say a prayer for her safe return.:hug:


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She's a Shitzu...
And last nite when I was looking for her I keep calling her name and I hear some dog bark that sound like her, and I went to the house and knock on the door.. but the owner said that's her dog was barking.. Not once couple times already..

Did this person allow you to see the dog? If not don't call her name next time the dog may just be reacting to your calling you just go by there and just stand near the home but not enough where they might call the police on you just long enough to see if your dog can smell you and carry one her favorite toys or blanket.


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Thanks everyone, I went to the shelter this morning.. and no luck... Well, I just move in to this new neighborhood less than a week... So I don't know anyone, and I already post the flyer everywhere and I even put some in the store.. Hopefully someone will call me... I am not giving up at all.. Even tho I couldn't sleep and been stress out.. But is ok, as long as I can find her it's worth it, she's my love.....


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Did you look into the neighbor with the barking dog that sounds like yours?

Another place to reach out to are your neighbor hood schools. Ask the principal if you could post your picture in and outside of the school. Kids usually speak up fast if they know that someone has a dog that is on a missing poster. A small reward will help too.


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No, No collar or tag or chip.. And now is getting cold... Hope she's alright..

i can't believe you didn't have a collar or chipped the dog :shocked1:. That's was your best way of getting her home.
I wish you the best in finding her. If and whe nshe home again, i would definetly make sure she has a collar.


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No, No luck.. Still looking and checking on shelter.. Haven't given up yet.. Put up poster, and still no one contact me yet.. :(


No More Room :-(
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:dog2:Wishing your dog a safe homecoming shortly. Don't give up hope. If you haven't already you should contact all the vets in your surrounding area as well. If someone found her it could be that they would take her in to have her checked for a chip.


Experienced Reefer
bronx, NY 10453
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I have a little min pin (guess you figured it out already) and let her loose out in the back yard all the time. Geez, I don't know what I would do if she got lost......


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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May sound crazy, but I would be spying on that neighbor who's dog responded to you calling out your dogs name.
She/he should have shown you their dog just to assure you that it wasn't your dog. But that is just my opinion.;)
I wish you, and your dog a quick reunion!!

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