Devious, thanks and NP on the dibs When the time comes, i'll be looking for good homes for them anyway.
Timbo, thanks. And btw, REALLY nice chameleons. i've always wanted a chameleon or two, too bad they require large enclosure and a more elaborate set-up; not to mention a little more maintenance involved .
Maitenance???? You got a saltwater tank and you think a chameleon is high maitenance? :lol2: For real though, the chameleon isn't high maitanence. I have an automatic misting system for water that comes on in the morning and off at night. I feed him crickets once every day or two. Clean the bottom of the cage every few days. His cage is 2' x 2' x 4', a little on the large size, but it is vertical so not so bad. Not much more involved. You want to talk high maitenance get your self an umbrella cockatoo.
Honestly i stayed away from getting one is the fact the being a arboreal animal, they tend to be messy...specifically their defecating habits. I just think that it's hard to keep clean (or clean enough) if they just drop it everywhere and anywhere.
I can see that with a auto misting system it will wash all the "stuff" off of leaves and furnishings regularly , so all the nastiness reside on the bottom of the habitat....ok one problem solved. Still need space....
Maybe once i move to a larger place, i will be able to get these cool reps.
Birds...i dig'em too...such intelligent creatures...same issue. When i had my cockatiels and lovebirds i used to let them out and stayout of their cage as long as i am home. Guess what? Crap-ola everywhere! After a while i just gave it to my sis' friend.
They feed chameleons to the snakes at the Snake Park in Nairobi. Here is a picture of an escapee who came to visit at the museum next door where I was doing research. I love the way their eyes move independently of one another!
Nice picture. My panther chameleon won't grow any type of horns, but the top of his head is like a big sheild. I will work on my camera skills for a while and post some updated shots soon. If anyone wants to see some awesome chameleon colors take a look at this link: