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Trouble Maker!
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I just watched the news and saw 30 people got arrested for vandalizing cars and other crap during the Giants parade. Chances are unless these cars are still financed that they are'nt covered for vandalization (maybe a word, maybe not), so they will probably have to pay out of thier pockets to fix them. It's time to stop the public victory celebrations. What a bunch of Jacka$$es.


Junior Member
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I too did not appreciate your reference of Giant fans being ignorant morans (redundent) . Do you think Steeler or Eagle fans are more intelligent ?
This IS Manhatten reefs, we are all Giant fans,,,,,,

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Trouble Maker!
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I too did not appreciate your reference of Giant fans being ignorant morans (redundent) . Do you think Steeler or Eagle fans are more intelligent ?
This IS Manhatten reefs, we are all Giant fans,,,,,,

I'm not a fan of any stick and ball sport, I'm a misplaced Jersey boy temporarily stuck in Pa. So the Giants should be my home team as they play in NJ. I do find it funny how it's all Go Giants, but no one fesses up to these idiots destroying private property.


Advanced Reefer
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Now I've heard some mean things that you could say to someone to hurt their feelings, but thats just the meanest damn thing I have ever heard one human being call another!

I've been crying all day because of it. I was going to slit my wrists but then I remembered. The GIANTS won, they beat the cheating bastards and sent Brady home a hurt and battered loser.

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