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For the past year or so there has been this empty lot, I believe 3 lots put together, and it's a huge eyesore. For the past year the barrier, basically plywood stood up and connected to 2x4s has been falling every week, with the slightest winds.

Today walking down the block coming home from school all of the "fencing" had fallen yet again. Don't know why it was today but seeing the space I thought it would be perfect for a COmmunity Garden. A place where the community could go, sit, relax, have a cup of coffee, something along those lines. I figure a few trees, some shrubs, and benches/seats to sit. This area at far as I've seen and I've been in the same APT since 1990 and there aren't any places like what I'm describing.

With all the new high rise buildings going up in this area, I feel it would be perfect. Park Slopes sense of community seems like it's diminishing very fast and maybe something this simple could restore it. It could also make the neighborhood that much more attractive for potential residents of the community.

I know this isn't the place to pitch ideas, but I would like to at least try to make this happen but I don't know where to start with it.

Where would you guys start?

I was thinking of contacting the neighborhood/boroughs counselman or woman, would that be a good place?

Looked at the city site but didn't find much help.



OG of this here reef game
Marine Park
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I happen to know a bit about this. If you send me the address of the lots I can get the info on who owns it etc but here's my guess; someone bought the three lots for an INSANE amount of money and is:
1: waiting on plans to be approved to build a huge condo development
2: has approved plans to build a huge condo development but doesn't have the money because they can't sell the units in their other condo developments which they planned on using to finance this development so there are (see number 3)
3: looking for a sucker to buy the land to build a huge condo development

In the areas where you see these community gardens they usually came to pass because the city had to take them due to delinquent tax payments. People buy vacant lots in bad neighborhoods as an investment. You buy say a vacant lot on 4th Avenue and Douglass street in 1975 when that was drug and gang central. You figure that neighborhood can't be that way forever. You pay the $1,000.00 in taxes every year and figure in 10 or 20 years it'll pay off. Many times it does and often it does not. Many people bought vacant lots in places where crack is still sold in open air markets. They can no longer keep up with the $1,000.00 a year taxes or just decide "F" it. The city takes ownership of the lot after a lengthy and complicated process.

What happens next is the city owns lots of vacant lots in a bad neighborhood. Now it's one thing when some absentee landlord owns the vacant lot, eyesore with the broken glass, etc etc. but when the city owns it that's different. People complain to the city to clean up the ugly lot, remove the trash, cut down the weeds, get the 50 cats and 12 homeless people out of there. etc etc. It becomes cheaper and easier for the city to come up with a way that allows them to say "No you do it". By "giving" the lot over to the community the city looses nothing and gains in that it is no longer their liability. It's also a great PR thing for local politicians.

There are a few public gardens by you Kris, well closer to the named streets on 5th ave but they're there. If memory serves though they were all deeded to the city specifically for use as public gardens.


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New York
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The city does not own those lots. It is owned by a consortium that is building co-ops in the neighborhood.

Sorry Kris

Remember ...location location location..


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So just complain to the city about what a $*&-hole its become and get them to clean it up and build a better fence.

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