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Ladies and Gentlemen,
A couple of months ago I bought my first aquarium ? Aquapod 24 Gallon with standard fluorescent lights. But, I did a big mistake because I did not know that I cannot use it for tropical fish. Now I have a Black Beard Algae and do not know what I can do with this. From the moment I bought it, I did some changes: I change the original fan to quiet one and install the second one, change the original pump for more quiet. So, I fix the overheating problem. But, to get read of algae, I need to put PhosBan media in the filtration system, and I do not know how I can do it. If I just put it in the bag, and put the bag in the filter enclosure, the water will not go through it, it can go around. Or, in this case, the water can stock, and the pomp will be killed? Can you give me advice, how can I use phosphate removing media with my Aquapod? Thanks!


Chairman of the board
Forest Hills
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water needs to slowly go thru it slowly else its not effective. hense the need for a reactor.


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How can I use phosphate removing media with my freshwater Aquapod 24?

Thank you very much for your reply. As I said it is my first aquarium and I do not know what this equipment is, which one is going to be fine for my aquarium (that I can put it in the filter enclosure), etc? May be I can do something without this unit to get read of phosphate? Thanks!


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How can I use phosphate removing media with my freshwater Aquapod 24?

Thanks again, butI do not know how I can can put the media inside my filter. If I just put it in the bag, and put the bag in the filter enclosure, the water will not go through it, it can go around. Or, in this case, the water can stock, and the pomp will be killed? Can you give me advice, how can I use phosphate removing media with my Aquapod? Thanks!


Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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The guy/girl is using the the hood on his Aquapod 24. There is no way that he can use a phosban reactor without modding the hood. That's why he/she keeps asking how he/she can use a reactor.

The best thing you can do is to put the media in a bag and toss it in the back. It isn't the most effective way but it's better than nothing. When you decide to go topless you'll be open up many different options for your tank.



Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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Also the stock lighting is fine for the tank. Perhaps the bulbs are old and need to be changed. Did you buy this tank new or used? Also there is no need for the actinic bulb (the blue one), change out the two bubs to two daylight bulbs.



Advanced Reefer
Long Island
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Not sure what media you have in there now (foam, noodles) but When I add the media I add it to the right side (facing the tank). I try to put it right up next to the center brace and slide it all the way to the bottom. If you still have bio balls and noodles on the right side you can but it on the left just be sure you keep it away from your pump. Its not the best way to use it but it does work just not to its full potential.


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Use some of the large bags of chemipure elite, it has phosphate removing material in it, and trow it in the back chamber of the tank.

Please post all non reef/marine questions in the nudibar. The other forums are for Reef/Marine Discussion. Thanks.

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