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Advanced Reefer
Long Island
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nothing against them but I just got a new tv and the only way to get none hdtv to take up the whole screen is use the strech on the cable box or tv settings. I dont get what the big comotion is about if hdtv gives you 10 or 15 channels and screws up the rest. Just had to vent lmao!


Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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See if your TV has a stretch jusitfication mode. It will only stretch the ends of the screen and leave the center intact. Also just use one of the stretches. Either the TV or the cable box, not both at the same time.



One to Ignore
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Personally I don't stretch the screen at all. The side bars are not that big of a deal, and why would you want to screw with the aspect ratio.


Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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What kills me about the sidebars, is when they play something that is in widescreen mode on a 4:3 ratio. So now you not only have sidebars but have the black bars across the top and bottom. So your 46" TV gets cut down to a 32" picture.

The side bars are not that big of a deal, and why would you want to screw with the aspect ratio.
Why take a chance for burn in to set in if you have black or gray sidebars all the time?



One to Ignore
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What kills me about the sidebars, is when they play something that is in widescreen mode on a 4:3 ratio. So now you not only have sidebars but have the black bars across the top and bottom. So your 46" TV gets cut down to a 32" picture.

Why take a chance for burn in to set in if you have black or gray sidebars all the time?


Burn-in is really no longer a problem. Out of the three current technologies (Plasma, LCD and DLP) only plasma is susceptible and with the most current incarnations of plasma you would have to go out of your way (i.e. try to get burn in) to get anything resembling burn-in.


Advanced Reefer
Long Island
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Burn in was one of my worries. I disabled the stretch on the cablevision box and turned on the one on the tv and it is much better. Thanks for your help!

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