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- Untitled -
Da B - X
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"When I was a kid, adults used to bore me to tears
with their tedious diatribes about how hard things were
when they were growing up; what with walking
twenty-five miles to school every morning ... uphill BOTH ways

yadda, yadda, yadda

And I remember promising myself that when I grew up,
there was no way in hell I was going to laya bunch of crap like that on kids about how hard I had it
and how easy they've got it!
You've got it so easy! I me an, compared to my
childhood, you live in a damn Utopia!
And I hate to say it but you kids today you
don't know how good you've got it!

I mean, when I was a kid we didn't have The
Internet . If we wanted to know something,
we had to go to the damn library and
look it up ourselves, in the card catalog!!
There was no email!! We had to actually write
somebody a letter .with a pen!
Then you had to walk all the way across the street and
put it in the mailbox and it would take like a week to get there!

There were no MP3's or Napsters! You wanted to
steal music, you had to hitchhike to the damn record store and shoplift it yourself!
Or you had to wait around all day to tape it off the radio and the DJ'd usually talk over the
beginning and @#*% it all up!
We didn't have fancy crap like Call Waiting! If you
were on the phone and somebody else called they got a busy signal, that's it!

And we didn't have fancy Caller ID Boxes either!
When the phone rang, you had no idea who it was!
It could be your school, your mom, your boss, your bookie, your drug dealer,
a collections agent, you just didn't know!!!
You had to pick it up and take your chances, mister!

We didn't have any fancy Sony Playstation video games with high-resolution 3-D graphics!
We had the Atari 2600!
With games like 'Space Invaders' and 'asteroids'. Your guy was a little square!
You actually had to use your imagination!!
And there were no multiple levels or screens, it was just one screen forever!

And you could never win.
The game just kept getting harder and harder and faster and faster until you died!
Just like LIFE!

When you went to the movie theater there no such thing as stadium seating!
All the seats were the same height!
If a tall guy or some old broad with a hat sat in front of you and you couldn't see,
you were just screwed!

Sure, we had cable te levision, but back then that
was only like 15 channels
and there was no on screen menu and no remote control!
You had to use a little book called a TV Guide to find out what was on!
You were screwed when it came to channel surfing!
You had to get off your ass and walk over to the TV to change the
channel and there was no Cartoon Network either! You could only get cartoons
on Saturday Morning. Do you hear what I'm saying!?!
We had to wait ALL WEEK for cartoons, you spoiled little rat-bastards!

And we didn't have microwaves, if we wanted to heat
something up we had to use the stove or go build a freaking fire .. imagine that!
If we wanted popcorn, we had to use that stupid Jiffy Pop thing
and shake it over the stove forever like an idiot.

That's exactly what I'm talking about!
You kids today have got it too easy.
You're spoiled.
You guys wouldn't have lasted five minutes back in 1980!

The over 30 Crowd "

PS: No I didn't write this!:grumpy:.....but it's true:happysad:


Advanced Reefer
Chelsea, NYC
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The good old days.

You're an 80's child if...

You had a crush on one of the New Kids on the Block members.

You wanted to be on Star Search. (Come on, we all did)

You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before his nose fell off.

You wore a banana clip or one of those slap on wrist bands at some point during your youth.

You wore French rolls on the bottom of your splatter painted jeans.

You had slouch socks, and puff painted your own shirt at least once.

You owned a doll with 'Xavier Roberts' signed on it's butt.

You know the profound meaning of ''Wax on, Wax off.''

You can name at least half of the members of the elite ''Brat Pack.''

You can remember watching Full House and Saved by the Bell for endless hours!!!!!!

You have seen at least 10 episodes of Fraggle Rock.

You know that another name for a keyboard is a ''Synthesizer.''

You hold a special place in your heart for ''Back to the Future.''

You know where to go if you ''Wanna go where everybody knows your name.''

You thought Molly Ringwald was REALLY cool. (Was there an 80's movie she WASN'T in?)

You know what ''Sike'' means.

You fell victim to 80's fashion: big hair, crimped, combed over to the side, and you wore spandex pants

You wanted to be a Goonie - (hey u guyz!!)

You owned an extensive collection of Cabbage Patch Kids and trolls.

You actually saw Ted Danson as the MacDaddy he played ''Sam'' to be.

You ever wore fluorescent -neon if you will clothing...(or nail polish)

You could break dance, or wished you could. (I said hip hop....)

You remember when ATARI was a state of the art video game system. (Remember Pong)

You know all the words to ''Ice Ice Baby''.

You remember MC hammer well.

You can still sing the rap to "Fresh Prince of Bel Air"

You own any cassettes.

You were led to believe that in the year 2000 we'd all be living on the moon.

You remember and/or own any of the CareBear Glass collection from PizzaHut.

Poltergeist freaked you out.

You carried your lunch to school in a Gremlins or an ET lunchbox.

You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the ONLY female smurf.

You wanted to communicate with some being named Cinergy.

You wanted to have an alien like Alf living in your house.

You wore biker shorts underneath a short skirt and felt stylish.

You wore tights under shorts and felt stylish.

You ever had a Swatch Watch.

You actually spent countless hours trying to perfect the care-bear stare.

You remember when Saturday Night Live was funny.

You had Wonder Woman or Superman underwear.

You wanted to be The Hulk for Halloween.

You Believed that ''By the power of Greyskull, you HAD the power''

You thought that Transformers were more than meets the eye.

Partying ''like it's 1999'' seemed SO far away!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bob 1000

Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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You know your from the 80's if you can make list like that, after another list like the first post, and think people want to read that much.... Your probably from the 80's and intelligent if you read it all, like myself..lol...

Psycho graphic

Trouble Maker!
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Try being a young kid in the 60's. 3 channels on TV, usually only one tV in the house, no remotes. Entertainment was playing outside with your friends. I was lucky enough to grow up in a Lake Community, so we swam all summer and ice skated all winter.

One thing I can say about those days, My parents NEVER had to worry about if we were safe, we left the house in the morning, maybe came home for lunch and then did not come home till dinnertime.

On a humorous note I DID walk uphill to school both ways. We lived on a, as others called it mountain (technically it was a mountain), we called it a hill. So up over the hill and down to school. This was about a 20 minute walk, the same coming home. The worst part was, if I walked the opposite direction from the school, I could be at the bus stop in 10 minutes. Unfortunately the school caught on to this after a couple of weeks and it was back to walking.

Skateboarding (the pioneering days of it with clay wheels and simple boards, no they did not call them decks back then, you bought a skateboard and that was it!) and sleighriding were fun as we lived on a very steep road and there was no traffic.


Advanced Reefer
Park Ridge, NJ
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You know what though, in 30 years the kids now are going to have the same complaints about the kids growing up in 30 years. Blah Blah Blah you kids had it so easy, there were no teleporters, we had to take things called a bus to get around. There were no neural interfaces, we had to use something called a PC.
Blah Blah Blah the cycle goes on and on, every older generation always thinks they had it the toughest. With increasing new technologies and quality of life improvements there are always new challenges and new things to learn.
60 years ago i bet a decent job would have just been working on an assembly line press this button and move it down the line, not much to learn. Nowadays your expected to know all the latest and greatest computer technologies, teleconference with people from around the world, be able to do by yourself what used to be a 4 person job, etc the list goes on and on.
Wait 20-40 years and then try to learn and do their jobs as competently as they can, i'll bet the majority of us won't be able to.
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Advanced Reefer
Rating - 100%
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-Add DirectTV to the list. It is the best, no more commercials! Never missing a show on TV.

-Netflix! The best! no more late fees. Which would always kill me by ending up paying more than the movie was originally worth.

-Online ordering of good! Online bill payments.

-Debit cards.

-Clean NYC, remember when NYC was discusting?


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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In the 60's & 70's fish tanks had slate bottoms, metal frames and black silicone caulking that barely kept the water in and weighed a ton. Today we have starfire/low iron glass, acrylic & zero edge tanks. We have MH/T5/LED lighting & mega protein skimmers. Best of all we can keep exotic reef fish & corals that were unknown to us back then.Today we have reefers that start the hobby as teenagers spending thousands of dollars on fish etc. Now that was unheard of in the 60's & 70's.


Old School Reefer
Rating - 99.6%
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In my days:

Who ever heard of getting money from your bank account 24/7.

Computers? Yeah for NASA and as big as a room.

The first video game I ever played was Pong. Now that was the best :lol2:

We played Johnny on the pony, spud, red rover, skulsy.........
Upper East Side
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Because my father works in the computer industry and I'm originally from Silicon Valley, I actually can't remember a time in my life when we didn't have a computer. I can still remember being very young, maybe four years old, playing a game on a huge old apple computer (I think an Apple 4) that was kind of like pong, only you were supposed to get rid of the bricks that were lining the bottom of the screen. That was before teh interwebs.


Advanced Reefer
Throggs Neck, BX
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Because my father works in the computer industry and I'm originally from Silicon Valley, I actually can't remember a time in my life when we didn't have a computer. I can still remember being very young, maybe four years old, playing a game on a huge old apple computer (I think an Apple 4) that was kind of like pong, only you were supposed to get rid of the bricks that were lining the bottom of the screen. That was before teh interwebs.

Remember when PC's where 10MB of HD, 64K Video Card, 8MB of Ram and of course you cant forget the 5 1/4" floppies.

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