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Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Sorry to here this Alex! My son that lives in Manhattan has had his car broken into for the CD's & radio numerous times. Look at it this way, thank God it wasn't a car jacking...


Advanced Reefer
Massapequa NY
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I had my SUV broken into in front of my house. They broke the drivers side window. They took the front HID lights and the grill. Plus my wife left the diaper bag in the car. They took that. But all that was in it was diapers. Plus they tried to peel the lettering off the car. I had to claim it thru my insurance. Since it cost over $2,000 to fix.


Chap Attack Begin!!!!!
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That really sucks. Atleast ur car was still there. My brothers radio in his car got stolen first. Then after a year or so, the car was stolen. Damn Theives!!!


Advanced Reefer
Throggs Neck, BX
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Sorry to hear about that Alex.

How about just keying your car? absolutely no reason for it. We should be allowed (legally) beat those scumbags to a bloody pulp. Although i WILL do it anyway if i get them.

I think if we find the person that did this, grab a porcupine puffer, shove it up their rear and freak out the puffer. Then just sit back and enjoy the show. But they are poisonous right, so it may lead to murder. And we may lose a puffer...nevermind scratch that idea. A puffer aint worth this guys miserable life.


Tim`s Aquatics
Rockland County
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Please look into glass insurance, it cost`s almost nothing and it will be a little piece of mind for you. They come to you and fix your glass right in the street.....


Advanced Reefer
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I think if we find the person that did this, grab a porcupine puffer, shove it up their rear and freak out the puffer. Then just sit back and enjoy the show. But they are poisonous right, so it may lead to murder. And we may lose a puffer...nevermind scratch that idea. A puffer aint worth this guys miserable life.

Yeah, I'd feel bad for the puffer!

I had my headlights stolen... The bastards could have unplugged the lights - but instead, the cut the wires, which meant that the entire wire harness (WTF does that mean?) had to be rewired. That's why I love Geico - they live up to their promises...

Now I drive around with those ugly grills that I used to make fun of. Urban jungle, indeed.


I Work Hard For Color!
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Sorry to hear about this Alex. but this'll cheer u up a little. you know in the early 90 you've seen lots car with a note on the window"NO RADIO" well mine has that plus"DOORS UNLOCK" guess what?

The M...frager broke my window and left a note" JUST CHECKING"...lol


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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And now for a little irony. My youngest would leave his car unlocked, window down, bunch of change totally visible out here in the HORRIBLE Far Rockaways, and no one ever toched his car.;)


Junior Member
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I think if we find the person that did this, grab a porcupine puffer, shove it up their rear and freak out the puffer. Then just sit back and enjoy the show. But they are poisonous right, so it may lead to murder. And we may lose a puffer...nevermind scratch that idea. A puffer aint worth this guys miserable life.

What great twisted advice....i like it...even got a visual while reading ur post...lol

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