Ok so I booked a trip going to all those 3 places and I really want to do scuba diving again any suggestions on where the best place to do it? or give any other suggestions thanks!
I've been to Limon, but i heard diving in Belize is better. You really should go diving in the Pacific (Red Sea, Australia) if you ever get a chance- 1000x better.
u should look into rotan and utila. if you have your paddy, they are nice dives and i am going there on the 22nd. those are off the coast of belize, been there twice already. i dive for $35 a dive plus 5 $ tax. already dove with the whale shark, and turtles, cliff dive and this time i will do the pirate ship dive.
i wish i could to go rotan im going on a cruse so its limited time and limited places, ive been on ALOT of cruises so all the cruises that had Rotan listed ive been too all the other islands so i wanted to go somewhere new. and im not certified i keep saying " next trip" and i never do it
you can get certified in the city. i know asphalt green has a program. it is a great investment, and you definitely won't regret it. I've been certified for 15 years and whenever i'm on vacation (even a single morning when the wife and kids are still sleeping on vacation ) I sneak in a dive. I just did a really amazing dive at Stuart Coves in the bahamas shipwreck, sharks and turtles.
im going to be on a cruise boat so i really cant do that lol plus my husband wants to get certified too so its going be over over 1k for both of us to get certified.