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Will always be a Newbie..
Jersey City
Rating - 99.4%
166   1   0
What software is the most dependable to convert Movies to Video Ipod? There is so much out there and I want to know what you think is best...



Will always be a Newbie..
Jersey City
Rating - 99.4%
166   1   0
mac oR PC :scratch: :confused:

if you have iTunes, and you add a movie in there, it should automaticaLLy convert it for your pod...

Don, it is for PC... also, it is a movie that i didn't buy from Itunes. Usually, these movies need to be decoded to "Ipod specs" and software is needed to do that task, i think anyway...


Advanced Reefer
Chelsea, NY
Rating - 100%
35   0   0
Videora Converter - Easiest program to use; set it and forget it. For the PC and converts AVI, MPEG, etc. to MP4 - the video format for the iPod.

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