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it wasnt a schock. i dont put any validity in any report on steroids when sammy sosa and mark maguire are not on the list. the mitchell report has as much validity as the warren commisions report on the JFK assasination.
dont put to much stock into it.


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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The Mitchell report basically used a couple of sources, one being Balco the other being Radomski, who cut a deal with the Gov't. Throw in a couple of others, which were know already, and you have a list. Because Radomski was from the NYC area most of the players that were outed where from the NY teams, the same with Balco except the teams where on the west coast.

Every teams has players using some type of performance enhancements drugs, which will come out when the person supplying is either caught by the Gov't, and turns the players in, or a player is caught failing a drug test. The Mitchell report would have been better if there were more sources but except for Frank Thomas and Jason Giambi no other player talked.

As for surprises, well there shouldn't be any surprised about who is using. You can go from team to team and look at each player and see who has increased in size, and done it quickly. Not to mention players who all of a sudden put up huge #'s out of nowhere.

There are a lot more players out there who I'm sure were shitting bricks that their name didn't appear in the Mitchell report but still maybe outed in the future.

What this report will do is make a player think twice before using a performance enhancement drug, though with the money that's involved it hard to stop them, especially the guy in Triple A who just can't make it without it.


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Lets just hope they don't stop at baseball and move on to other sports. Time to tell our kids "IDOLS" that we aren't gonna take any Cr@p from them anymore.
Upper East Side
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Damn. I was in a bar when I was watching the news about the mitchell report and the closed captioning wasn't on. Maybe that was a list of people who WEREN'T on the list.

Brendan, I said the exact same thing. They do a lot of testing on football players, but I would love to see more testing on basketball and hockey players. I would guess that it's pretty rampant among hockey players.

I'm surprised that the players union didn't insist on testing before this. I would think that the players NOT taking steroids would be in favor of drug testing as it gives such an unfair advantage to those taking it. It's gotten to the point in baseball where, if you're going to make it, you HAVE to take steroids and that is just not right.
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The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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Lets just hope they don't stop at baseball and move on to other sports. Time to tell our kids "IDOLS" that we aren't gonna take any Cr@p from them anymore.

If they did "real" testing in football there would be nobody left to play. Almost every play is taking something, from steroids to pain killers and it's not only on the pro level, it goes all the way down to the HS level.


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the reality is that performance enhancing drugs are a part of sports these days. the only way to stop it from happening is random frequent testing. only problem is that no players would be left in the end regardless of the sport.


chicks dig beckett men
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I don't think the question is validity but more of what was the point? There weren't any surprises on there. The only shocking thing were the names left off. How many tax payer dollars were wasted on this?

In Pettite's case... anyone here know enough about the topic that would tell us more info about "2 shots"? How much exactly is 2 shots? How often are shots taken? One a day, one a week?
My limited knowledge of HGH is that it is a wonder drug. Exceptionally expensive, steroid like results without the negative side effects, and most of all, fantastic recovery time for everything from injury to chemotherapy. I believe it is $1500 per cycle and it is recommended that you do 1 and a half to 2 cycles at a time. I don't know exactly how long a cycle is (I think 5 to 6 weeks is a common cycle for other steroids), how many shots are required or how much is used.

What are your opinions on how these players and how their statistics go down in history? The stats are obviously askew, but if everyone was doing it, who really had the advantage?


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norwalk ct
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Who wants to see regular people play sports ? I want to see super human freaks smash homeruns and throw 80 yard rocket pases . You got to love thoes roid ragin freaks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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