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Does anyone know if i can use a R/O DI witout the R/O unit? I would like to bypass the RO membrane of the fileter becuase it wastes too much water. I will not be using this filter for my tank, only drinking.


No more big tanks
New York
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the whole point is to use the RO water for filtration since it removes 93% of all the unwanted drinking material. U can use it but it will not purify the water to the purpose that u r intending it for.


One to Ignore
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Yes, but you will need to modify your unit to bypass the RO membrane or just remove the membrane from the housing. Some units have a bypass that bypasses the DI unit for drinking water, as it will exhaust your DI Resin very, very quickly - think $$$. (You will also find allot of posts on various forums about not drinking DI water but I will leave that alone)
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If you just want to use sediment,carbon and then drinking, all you have to do is disconnect the plex that's in between the carbon cartridge and RO. Lead it to your drinking cup. If you want sediment, cabon, NO RO, DI then drinking, you will lead the plex where I told you to disconnect and lead into the DI. All cartridge except RO has 2 ports, 1 in 1 out. RO has 1 in 2 out. Hope this help.
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Advanced Reefer
Park Ridge, NJ
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You can use the waste water from the RO filter for drinking as it's already passed through the other stages of the prefilters. I usually store the waste water and use it to water plants or fill my turtle tank. You could very easily also store it in a container in the refridgerator (like brita pitcher).


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i don't think the waste water passes through any of te filter except being rejected by the RO.

The only reason i'm asking this question is my water bill (NJ) is like $175 quaterly. What do the people who lives in houses pay for their wter? Most people i asked is under $75

You can use the waste water from the RO filter for drinking as it's already passed through the other stages of the prefilters. I usually store the waste water and use it to water plants or fill my turtle tank. You could very easily also store it in a container in the refridgerator (like brita pitcher).


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The filter is connected correctly. The supply is tapped off the main going into the R/O membrane.

I was plannning to bupass the R/O/ membrane and use the sediment/sedminet/carbon/carbon filter(s)

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