It was fun playing with Nyo clan last night. Sorry i couldn't communicate with u guys but i couldn't figure out how to setup blue tooth. Thanks for the info dean but I dont remember pass key on blue tooth. I will probably go pickup a ps3 mic after work and i'll be on tonight. I need to rank up higher to get better guns and perks. What is the best combo u guys use?
Nycmat- I'll send u a friends request when i get back home. BTW what was your SN?
I will send a friend request to the other members i played with last night when i get home.
chong please make sure you get the maps. its important for the game that we play. better chance to play shipment. also deep impact and stopping power until you get last stand
202-0 !!! damn!! sorry i missed that one. thats a great accomplishment.
Props to the new kill leader of nYo in filly. great job bro. personally - i wouldnt have played for 14 hours str8 to do it. get a hobby as hov would say. LMAO
once i was the teacher and the master- now you return as the master. my old padaone. only a master of evil LOL.
LMAO. i dont care. just had to point that stat out bro. maybe you took a break here and there but the stat simply reads - Time played. not time logged in. great job either way.
and yes i can state for the record- i have no idea how i did the win streak.