all i know is that i got 105 kills in 1 match last night. deanos and amires witnessed it. its a great game. i am sure there are people who hate games. some because they lack the ability with eye hand coodination others because they have better things to do. its all good. people who take these games so seriously to misinterpret games for reality belongs in a insane asylum. or they should take a serious look at the parenting skills of them respecitively. its a great game
If i had more time to play im sure i cud do better than that....I usually rank top score mostly every or loose...until ya can do that....I'm the Leader...anyone wanna challenge me LETS ROCK!
:grumpy: I've matched that on "Shipment" map and JFK demoted me
Rock band is hard...
So after I proved myself last night as head honcho and put ya in ya place no more trash talking "Da Hov" aka JFK aka Red Mist