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LoL Marki

We did the Bryant Park skating thing, we're going again Thursday.

Thanks for the place Jim. We've tried the Met. but whenever we seem to show up, it's always closed:sad2:

We ended up just having lunch at a little place a few blocks from me and then putting up my X-mas tree :D

thursday huh :scratchch maybe i'll just show up there too and cut the line :lol2:


Live Sale Pioneer
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thursday huh :scratchch maybe i'll just show up there too and cut the line :lol2:

LMAO feel free too:lol2:

We go out a lot. Lunch everyday, sometimes twice in the city is hard for a non-working individual such as myself. So a cheap date on the weekend isn't so bad:smokin:. I wouldnt even have to give her cabfare, you're only a hop skip and a step away.:lol2:

Wanna lend me some money :theyareon


Love da Reef-er
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its too cold now but when its nicer you can go to battery park and walk around make out on grass...love rub here and there....$8 Round trip $6 Hot Dogs and soda $2 so the homeless guy wont stare at ya'll while u do the above....:)

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