Music stores generally give lessons, or you can do some self teaching stuff. There is software out there that they tell me is great. Books on Chords and scales should also be available at most music and bookstores too.
My suggestion for a tuner it to buy a nice mid range electronic tuner. Don't spend the least amount and certainly not the most. Like with reefing you pay alot for names in the music hobby as well.
find a local music school and take some beginner classes to help you develop proper technique from the beginning. I've seen a number of people try to start off self taught and usually get frustrated within a few weeks.
For a tuner i've always liked Korg. You can get a fantastic one for about $40 that will last many years.
If you decide to go the self teach route start with open chords and then barre chords and power chords. For scales start with a c major scale and work your way to pentatonic.
I have alot of tabs and other stuff that can teach u how to play but ur goal is to learn how to read notes and recognize scales and chords. U can start with tabs but if u get used to playing from them u will never want to learn notes which is bad.
mike call me and I tell u where to find a bunch of stuff. I'll try to find so stuff for u. Its hidden deep somewhere since I have had NO time for this exellent knowledge.
Dont forget dude, do not, and i mean do not relly on tabs...They are a back up tool for u to play ur favorite tunes, not learning to play this very difficult instrument.
If you're in Manhattan, stop by and borrow a book or two.
(don't tell anyone here but i was supposed to go to Berklee for jazz guitar but my dad (a musician) talked me out of it (and that was after winning some competitions in 2001-2) :shhh:
now i just noodle around for fun - i wish there was enough space in my apartment for my half stacks and guitars - but then i'd have no room for living.