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I'm not saying it's real but in Japan, koi is a huge.... did I say huge? I meant ginormous (this is now a real dictionary word so it needs to be added to spell check) hobby. A mated pair of some types can go for in excess of $150k. It's entirely possible that some guy saw a trait in his fish that kind of looked like a face and he just selectively bred until it was more pronounced.


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I'm not saying it's real but in Japan, koi is a huge.... did I say huge? I meant ginormous (this is now a real dictionary word so it needs to be added to spell check) hobby. A mated pair of some types can go for in excess of $150k. It's entirely possible that some guy saw a trait in his fish that kind of looked like a face and he just selectively bred until it was more pronounced.

At the bottom of the linked page it says

"These fish are the result of artificial insemination between a carp and ayu sweetfish. The hybrid fish were born in the pond of a private house in Chongju, south of Seoul, South Korea"

Not only carp, but fish are generally a big time ($$) hobby in Asia. There is a thread on RC about a fish collection trip taking place a couple of weeks ago in Hawaii, where they collected a Genicanthus personatus ( an Angel fish that is rarely available in the hobby). That fish was sent to Japan, as they could get more money for it then shipping it the continental US.

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