I think Torre made the right decision. It's the entire Yankee organization that I find deplorable right now. I heard caller after caller on the the FAN identifying themselves as Red Sux fans. They are all dancing in the streets. They think the Yankee brass did them the biggest favor since the 'favor' Bill Buckner did for the Mets. I agree wholeheartedly.
I'm finding it hard as hell to understand how any Yankee fan in their right mind can say Torre managed any different in the post season as he did in the regular season. The team hit a MLB leading .290 in the regular season. In the post season they hit a whopping .228. Their 19 game winner, Wang, pitched like a 19 game loser. Clemens and Moose were as horrible as expected. And all this is Torre's fault? Give me a break.
Since the infamous date of May 29th (21-29 and 14.5 out), the Yankees went 73-39. That's .652 ball, the best in MLB. The season of 2007 could arguably be one of the greatest regular seasons in Torre's 12 year Yankee career. When most teams would toss in the towel and find it hard to bring themselves to the ball park day after day, Torre not only kept them together and focused, but got them to unite when they were at their lowest point.
Offering him a cut in salary isn't even the biggest problem. Offering him a one year contract that is incentive based should be saved for someone who you question their drive, their motivation, their mental fortitude. Torre unquestionably gave his all, all the time.
If the Yankees were going to make him an offer and TRULY wanted him to accept it with the sincerity that they wanted him to return, they shouldn't have waited two weeks......and then make it a do or die offer, no negotiation. That is not an offer from an organization that wants you. That is an offer from an organization that wants you to decline and make it look like you are the ingrate, not accepting the sizable sum of $5 mil. That was a bogus offer and it was presented in such a fashion that they wanted it to be rejected.
It is a sad day in Yankee land. I can't see them choosing a better leader. Actually, I feel sorry for the poor soul that follows in Torre's footsteps. And if it's Mattingly I feel even worse, because he is as beloved a Yankee as there is. And if he fails as manager, I'd hate to see him booed and trashed in the press.