All his products will be on BACK ORDER, lol. I wonder what collection cup he's going to use in the slammer. That's going to be some nasty skimmate.
Overall i have dealt with him in the past and i am very saddened by these events. It seems like you are always caught by surprise when things like this happen. Very very sad for him and his innocent family.
Pedro, in my book it is only sad for him if he is actually innocent! If he is guilty he should be sent away for life, and I have no sympathy for him or those like him.........
Sad for his poor family, and friends it is without a doubt.
I think Manswers said it best..."If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a cop!"
Pedro, I don't think people like that are saddened by what they have done as much as they are saddened by the fact that they got caught doing what they did. I don't feel sad for him one bit. I don't know his family or his background but flaws like this usually start when you are a child so I can only assume. Feel sorry for those around him who trusted him with their children.
If he is guilty they should ship him out to one of the prisons in Puerto Rico. The inmates really take care of people like him. Overworked CO's who are underpaid easily turn the otherway when pedophiles arrive. They do the same with people who hurt the elderly like that animal that punched the old lady in the face multiple times.
i see what you meant though that if your a sick pervert on line and talking to a 14 year old girl who really digs you, then get a clue it's probably a cop at the other end.
Don, come on, lets be real. Both are not approved, but a child is helpless to the sickness of a pedophile. At least a druggie is only doing damage to him/herself.