1080 vs. 720 is basically resolution. 1080 is the highest resolution there currently is. So you think you want it, right? The problem is TV is not broadcast in 1080 (still in 720). Pretty much the only things that take advantage of the full resolution are Blue-Ray DVDs, HD DVDs, and some video games. If you think of a TV as a long-term investment (which I do), then I still want the 1080. When the Blue-Ray vs. HD war is over standard DVDs will be gone to be replaced by whoever wins that one.
I've also been checking out this Sony Bravia 40'' set:
This is the best price I've found on it so far and overall the reviews for the Sony are much stronger than for Westinghouse. The more I read, in fact, about Westinghouse the more nervous I got. It seems there have been a lot of problems with the set as time went on and their customer service, it seems, leaves everything to be desired.
The primary issue with this Sony set appears to be that some sets have a "cloud pattern" on the screen during dark scenes. It hasn't plagued everyone, but enough people to cause a ruckus. Also, it seems that Sony is about to phase out this model with a new (much more expensive) one.
I have an version to all things Philips. I had a bad bad experience with their stand-alone CD recorders back when the technology first arrived. (Like 2000 or so.) Ever since then I've sworn to never buy anything from them again. So far I've kept my word.
Overall I guess Vizio and high-end Sony models seem to lead the pack for LCDs. I'm sure Samsung isn't far behind.
Tosiek: 10K Plasma will have to wait until I win the lottery!