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I picked up my daughter from her last day of first grade yesterday, and she was crying.

Why are you crying, sweetie? I ask...

She looks at me and says (between sobs...)

First grade is OVER and now I'm in second grade, only I don't know enough yet to be done with first grade!!!!

(her teacher told me that she can come back to help teach first grade any time she wants.)

.....Camp Mommy begins today!!!!


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AWE :( how adorable! :grouphug:
I remember first grade... :hb2: OUCH...A LONG TIME AGO!!!

May the camp festivities begin!!!


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Randy -- what an AWESOME program. I have read and am a believer in spending more than one year with a teacher. It is good all around - teachers already know the kids AND the parents, and kids know what to expect - such an easier transition. There is research on this kind of system - it is surprising to me that more schools don't do it - can be really good also in terms of teacher retention!!!

Eliana will have the same Hebrew teacher, but a new English studies teacher. Luckily, though, we are friends with her English studies teacher - We've known her since before Eliana was born, so no stress there!!! :)

This age is GREAT!!!!

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