• Why not take a moment to introduce yourself to our members?


chicks dig beckett men
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all websites are the same guys. They are all the same. Mods are chosen, not by what they know, but by how far they can stick their noses up another man's ass.
RC sucks. Same thing there as it is here. The guys who actually know what they are doing get tired of the BS and leave. That leaves newbies and vendors. A salesman thrives in an amature environment.
Stick it out. The core needs to take the site back. If not, the core needs to make www.manhattanreefs.org..... not manhattanreefs.com
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Advanced Reefer
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AFter many years at what was once a really great site (and then not so great any more), I found MR.

Lessons i have learned - make friends, honor those friendships, be as communmicative as possible, try to make peace wherever possible, and don't get angry.

if you get angry, walk away from the screen, come back and try to make peace.

MR is local, it is a great blend of seasoned reefers who WANT to help out and newbies who want to learn and do right by their animals. I know there are other types here, too, but in all the reading I've done since February, I'd say they're the exception.

WE have to make this a better place. It's our job as members to do that, and we CAN.

ignore the garbage. focus on what's great about this site. support each other.

(and don't hit me for being such an optimist, please.)



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19   0   0
I wasn't under the impression that this was a thread that was anything other than a request for sites in addition to MR as a ref. If it is other than that please tell me so I can delete my posts.


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
Rating - 100%
182   0   0
AFter many years at what was once a really great site (and then not so great any more), I found MR.

Lessons i have learned - make friends, honor those friendships, be as communmicative as possible, try to make peace wherever possible, and don't get angry.

if you get angry, walk away from the screen, come back and try to make peace.

MR is local, it is a great blend of seasoned reefers who WANT to help out and newbies who want to learn and do right by their animals. I know there are other types here, too, but in all the reading I've done since February, I'd say they're the exception.

WE have to make this a better place. It's our job as members to do that, and we CAN.

ignore the garbage. focus on what's great about this site. support each other.

(and don't hit me for being such an optimist, please.)


Awesome Tahl! Is it just us goils that feel this way?:wink1: I'd hate to think so. But My Sentiments Exactly......

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