gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
I don't care how tough you are, what size dog you have, if you are a 5th degree black belt, a trained assassin, how many kills you rack up in COD, or how many guns you have.
I don't care how tough you are, what size dog you have, if you are a 5th degree black belt, a trained assassin, how many kills you rack up in COD, or how many guns you have.
agreed. It's nice we have a community here and can feel like we can safely give our info to others but people just post up their number on threads. like call me "xxx-xxxx". most people will disregard it and move along but then along comes a crazy one...
I have seen people who post their phone numbers in a public forum. Worse I have seen people's phone numbers and their FULL NAME. That is a recipe for disaster!
It is very easy for someone to find out where you live with your full name, phone number, and Town you live in.
In my line of work I am able to track people down very easily with minimal information, but it is even easier when someone puts their real info out there in public.
Keep your personal information to PM's
Only my 2 cents!
IMO only the dishonest need to watch their backs. I sleep well at night.