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Advanced Reefer
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I'm looking for suggestions for cool places to go with my kids this summer - i'm thinking not more than an hour to hour and a half drive from Bronx at the most... looking for city and out of city stuff... the cheaper the better, and the more off-the-beaten-path the better!

I am particularly looking for a great stream in some state park maybe to go wading up and looking at all the cool stream life - particularly crayfish and cool stuff that lives under rocks!

suggestions please!!! with names so i can google and find my way there!



One to Ignore
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I am a very big fan of Hariman State Park. There is alot of hiking, wich may be too much for little kids, but there are definately lots of streams and stuff fairly close to parking areas.


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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Harriman State Park is not to far from Da Bronx. I haven't been there in years but I used to hike & camp the Appalachian Trail that runs through it. I remember lots of streams and a few lakes up there also. Nice place for a picnic/barbeque. "But I haven't been there in years"....

Missy Johnson

Masta of Disasta
Upper East Side
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i love the catskills, and they are about an hour and a half away. saugerties has the gorgeous esopus river that empties into the hudson.

i loved camping when i was a little girl. check out www.reserveamerica.com for campsites close to nyc. this place (http://www.koa.com/where/ny/32168/) has a catch-and-release pond as well as campsites and cabins.

i like to go further up into the mountains to hike, but the places i like are about 2-2.5 hours from here.


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I say catskills or Monticello and stay overnite. HSP is a great state park but too many city people.


Advanced Reefer
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Okay - all good ideas... am working out a schedule for the summer

- my kids say they're going to "camp Ima" (Ima is Hebrew for mom, it's what they call me)

Is six flags fun for kids who are 6 and 4 (what about the "you have to be this tall to ride...." will they be tall enough???)

What's in Mystic CT ?

does anybody know of one membership that will cover many aquaria/zoos, etc? I know some childrens' museums do that kind of thing - one membership covers lots of locations...


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There's an aquarium in mystic. Liz provided a link to it as well :). You could get some pizza at the place they filmed the movie too :)


Love da Reef-er
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Take them on a NYC adventure...there is the BEAST giant speed boat that coasts across the hudson....the circle line goes all around manhattan...top of the tower in rockafella center...Madaam Tusadas** Wax Museum on forty duce..Empire State Building top of NY and there is a simulation ride on the 90th floor if i'm correct...chelsea piers has a ton of things...and while your on the west side you can go on a Helicopter Ride..i think its called Liberty Copters...and there is a trapeeze training...which looks like fun...:scratch: thats all i cud think of at the moment..wait a minute ohh u was looking for a stream...ok forget everything I mentioned...streams are not my thing...:lol2:
Brooklyn, NY
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Up the Hudson about an hour North of you just outside Cold Spring and next to the Boscobel House, there is a nature preserve in the marshlands on the River. You park at the top, and then you have 2 choices, hike down to the river where there is a little house with an exhibit and a boardwalk over the marsh/bird sanctuary area. Or take a different trail down to a very nice waterfall. Both are great and my 6yr. old loves it.

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