I actually liked the episode...although I was as pissed off as everyone when the screen went black...and I've always hated Journey, but I liked the way it left everything open, and I liked the creepy people who you expected to whack Tony in the diner. The more I think of it, the more I like it. I didn't even have cable til a few years ago, no HBO until a year and a half ago, so I had never seen the show until then. But when I started watching it, I liked it so much that my daughter and I made it our project last summer to see all the episodes beginning with the first season...and I loved it. Yeah, I think the 2nd and 3rd seasons were the best, but still, I liked them all. I even stuck around after the Sopranos to see John from Cincinnati...which wasn't that great...but worth it to see Ed O'Neil acting like.....Al Bundy, my hero...my role model....and to think that he was created by a reefkeeper! Take care, Eric