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Advanced Reefer
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I felt it was The worst end to a show, a total disrespect to the loyal viewers. I'm fuming I watched it for that many years and no closure. Appreciate the moments and tony might go to jail. That's it!! How about the rest of the crew... What about New York... Ay Caramba..
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Advanced Reefer
Staten Island NY
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I thought my freakin cable TV went out!!!!!!!!! I can't believe he ended it like that. Just goes to show he's not done with this yet that's why it ended the way it did. Got us all thinking though.........


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LOL ,,it will only make you want ot see the next show ;)

and yeah it suxed


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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DITTO TO ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Especially taat2d, we thought the same thing satellite went on the brinks. Hubby made us watch the creditscause he could not believe they ended it like that.


Rating - 98.2%
55   1   0
the worst season finale ever. to think the whole thing pretty much centered around AJ and they threw us a bone and whacked phil for all of 45seconds. real sad that blew! here comes the movie. "dont stop believing" up yours with that
Rating - 100%
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JOURNEY...........FREAKIN JOURNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!
We thought the cable went out too lol. Such a blatant "F.U. go watch our movie if you want to see how it ends". On a side note 3 minutes of John from Cincinnati was all we could watch before we lost interest. You would think they might add a show that fits in with the Sopranos demographic so people might want to watch it .....maybe.....just maybe......who were the marketing geniuses that came up with that one?!!?!?!?!?


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island NY
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After that disappointing ending I spent the next 2 hours on the phone with family and friends complaining about how ba that sucked. After all the years that show ran and how exiting and edge of your seat it was, you would've thunk the ending would have been fitting. And every season since the second one there has ben a huge decline in viewers.


Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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it sucked but it is totally his style. You knew he wasn't going to end it with the cliche big hollywood ending...The way he ended it was more shocking than any other scenario one could come up with.


Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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I agree with you, Wes.

Written in an AP article I read:
"The finale displayed their lives continuing, for better and worse, unaffected byt the fact that the series is done. The implication was they will go on as usual. We just won't be able to watch."

BTW What's the deal with the cat staring at Chris's picture?

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i would rather have hope to see something i enjoy in the future than not to see at all. maybe it was done that way to keep us all thinking , talking , wishing for something only we could put an end to. Its not so bad.
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I actually liked the episode...although I was as pissed off as everyone when the screen went black...and I've always hated Journey, but I liked the way it left everything open, and I liked the creepy people who you expected to whack Tony in the diner. The more I think of it, the more I like it. I didn't even have cable til a few years ago, no HBO until a year and a half ago, so I had never seen the show until then. But when I started watching it, I liked it so much that my daughter and I made it our project last summer to see all the episodes beginning with the first season...and I loved it. Yeah, I think the 2nd and 3rd seasons were the best, but still, I liked them all. I even stuck around after the Sopranos to see John from Cincinnati...which wasn't that great...but worth it to see Ed O'Neil acting like.....Al Bundy, my hero...my role model....and to think that he was created by a reefkeeper! Take care, Eric

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