gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
31 students dead in virginia!!!! channel cnn watch it!!!:sgrin:
sorry but you think this is entertaining???
thats sad to hear
these states need to get their guns laws in order .Most of these state you just need an ID to buy a gun ,Not to mention every home owner owns one.
just very sad storymy heart gos out to all those parents
I know this is very sensitive issue in America, but this kind of stuffs only happen in US.
Not true at all
list of school shootings worldwide
and before you retort that most of them are in the United States, look at population, and Germany probably has the lead.
Matt, you may know better, but if I am not mistaken, the right to bear arms is an inalieable right.
I always argue this issue with people. The second amendment of the constitution was originally intended so people could put together militias. Remember, this was when the US was much smaller and had a small standing army. Without the help of the French, we never would have won the revolutionary war.
How the second amendment is interpreted now can be a topic for debate. I think a strict constructionist would agree with me. Loose constructionists would say that the amendment is written with room for interpretation.
That all being said, I am not a lawyer and I'm pulling this from the dusty recesses of my memory of my constitutional law polisci course that I took in college eight years ago.
It has nothing to do with being Korean, Irish, Samoan, canadian or african, he's a human being (monster) but his nationality or heritage should have nothing to do with it. You have nothing to embarassed about.