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thats sad to hear

these states need to get their guns laws in order .Most of these state you just need an ID to buy a gun ,Not to mention every home owner owns one.

just very sad story :( my heart gos out to all those parents



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Ridgefield, NJ
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thats sad to hear

these states need to get their guns laws in order .Most of these state you just need an ID to buy a gun ,Not to mention every home owner owns one.

just very sad story :( my heart gos out to all those parents


It's true. They really need make it tough to buy a gun in some state. I know this is very sensitive issue in America, but this kind of stuffs only happen in US. I pray for those parents and family who just lost their love one. This is just terrible news.

House of Laughter

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Ossining, NY
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Matt, you may know better, but if I am not mistaken, the right to bear arms is an inalieable right.

Not that I agree - let it be known that the UNV communities around the world are jumping. Sad part is that the discussions aren't centered around "what would we do" as much as they are "how can we prevent" sad, but true, measures of prevention are in order as this will eventually happen again. Very very sad.



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Ridgefield, NJ
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Not true at all

list of school shootings worldwide

and before you retort that most of them are in the United States, look at population, and Germany probably has the lead.

Well, I guess you are right. We are not the only one who has gun problem. However, they did list 10 and 4 out of 10 were in US. And if you include this one, 6 out of 11 are from here. And this one killed 31 people atleast, not to mention how many are critically injured. And 12 killed in Columbine.

BTW, didn't have have one shooting incident at the elementary school in penn? Like Amish town thing, I don't remember.

Anyway, this is such a sad story. It doesn't matter it was one person or 31 kids died, it just shouldn't happen in the first place. Such a sad day :(
Upper East Side
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Matt, you may know better, but if I am not mistaken, the right to bear arms is an inalieable right.

I always argue this issue with people. The second amendment of the constitution was originally intended so people could put together militias. Remember, this was when the US was much smaller and had a small standing army. Without the help of the French, we never would have won the revolutionary war.

How the second amendment is interpreted now can be a topic for debate. I think a strict constructionist would agree with me. Loose constructionists would say that the amendment is written with room for interpretation.

That all being said, I am not a lawyer and I'm pulling this from the dusty recesses of my memory of my constitutional law polisci course that I took in college eight years ago.


One to Ignore
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I always argue this issue with people. The second amendment of the constitution was originally intended so people could put together militias. Remember, this was when the US was much smaller and had a small standing army. Without the help of the French, we never would have won the revolutionary war.

How the second amendment is interpreted now can be a topic for debate. I think a strict constructionist would agree with me. Loose constructionists would say that the amendment is written with room for interpretation.

That all being said, I am not a lawyer and I'm pulling this from the dusty recesses of my memory of my constitutional law polisci course that I took in college eight years ago.

I am heistiant to address this for fear of hijacking a thread, wich was posted to express sympathy for the victims of what is undeniably a crime. But I think it is deserving of comment, as the issue is obviously linked in the minds of many.

Those who would be called strict constructionists tend to hold the view that the amendment is an individual right. This is because, despite the preface, the amendments plain language gives the right to the people, and not to the states. It doesn't say the right of the state to raise an army, it says the right of the people to keep and bear Arms.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The concept of "militia" is somewhat misunderstood as well. Proponents of the idea that the 2nd amendment applies to state action, such as a national guard, misinterpert the concept of a militia. The wikipedia entry for militia, is somewhat enlighting in this area.

A good example are the militias that fought at Concord and Lexington (the opening battles of the Revolution), they where not governement sponsered or in anyway authorized by Britian or the State of Massachusets (the two governing bodies with "authority" over Concord and Lexington). But where rather ordinary citizens who had, had it with the "state".

This is not to say that the ownership of firearms cannot be regulated, and it often is. Try walking down Broadway with shotgun slung over your shoulder. The right to place restrictions on firearms, stems from the preface that the militia be "well regulated". You have the right to own one, but you don't necessarily have the right to parade around town with it.


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These incidents are great for the gun grabbing communities. It's very sad it has happened, all these types of murders' are. However, don't try to take my right to protect myself and my family from harm because of some loose cannon, gone off the deep end. If the sh!t really hit the fan in this country, I do not want to rely totally on our government to protect myself or family. I like to compare it to drunk drivers. How many people are killed each year as a result of drunk driving? How come cars are not condemned as firearms are? Because it would cripple the economy, the almighty dollar. The people who drive the cars drunk are, when caught, arrested and dealt with in the legal system. That's the way it should be done. The same should go for the use of firearms, you hurt, maim or kill someone with a firearm out of recklessness or intent, with no legal defense, you go through the legal system.
Hollywood is the biggest gun grabbers going. Robert DeNiro, very much FOR gun control. Did you know he has a concealed weapons permit for NYC? NYC, where it is impossible for an average citizen to get a permit. Interesting, huh? How much money has he made in movies, in which he uses guns? I wonder. Rosie O'Donnell is another one, but it's okay that her bodyguard carry a firearm. Lets see who else has made millions of dollars in hollywood while using firearms, but are anti-gun;

Sean Connery
Matt Damon
Michael Douglas
Geraldo Rivera (Has a NYC permit)
Rob Reiner
Paul Newman
Kevin Costner
George Clooney
Steve Buscemi

This list is almost endless. I know I've gone off topic, although not by much, it's a topic I'm all too familiar with.

I will say one more thing. When they make extreme restriction on issueing weapons permits and the purchase of, it only makes it more difficult for the average joe, it does nothing for the criminal element or someone with an evil agenda. Those type of people WILL get the guns they need, with or without restriction.
Howell, NJ
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i saw this on tv today and was furious... those poor souls who did nothing to deserve this... i told my coworker today, why couldnt that piece of shiet shoot himself 1st and call it a day....

my prayers go out to them and there families...
Upper East Side
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I think we can all agree that whether guns are a right, a priveledge, legal or illegal, people will still find a way to get them (as they do with anything.) Regardless of all of that, this is very sad for the friends and family of the victims and the school as a whole.

And thank you Matt for the clarification. :)


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This is so sad. I think it boils down to the fact that children today for the most part are given everything and don't have to work for it. The majority of the kids today have no discipline and not respect for anyone but demand that everyone respect them. Their parents give them cell phones, cars, xbox's, playstations, etc but when they step out of line they don't get the arse whooping that most of us got, whether verbal or physical, when we stepped out of line as kids.

You can't ground them they don't listen. You certainly can't spank them because you can go to jail.

Guns don't kill people, people with guns do, and it is true that more strict laws don't stop criminals from getting guns it's stops law abiding citizens from doing so. Whats the solution? I don't know but the first part should start at home teaching your kids right from wrong.
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Ridgefield, NJ
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They just found out who killed 32 people. And it is just hit me really harder this time. It was 23 year old korean kid who was major in English. I am a korean-american and this is just the most embarrass single event for all Koreans in US. I just can't believe this right now. Goddamn, what a stupid f*&K!!!! Why can't he just shoot himself and get it over with! Why the hell did he go out and kill 32 people. What the f&*K is wrong with this stupid f*&K!!!!! I am hearing MSNBC right now and everytime I hear Korean, I am getting more furious. I really don't know what to do right now. OMG, I am so freaking angry!!!!!!!

I am so sorry for innocent 32 people who died and thier families.


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It has nothing to do with being Korean, Irish, Samoan, canadian or african, he's a human being (monster) but his nationality or heritage should have nothing to do with it. You have nothing to embarassed about.


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Ridgefield, NJ
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It has nothing to do with being Korean, Irish, Samoan, canadian or african, he's a human being (monster) but his nationality or heritage should have nothing to do with it. You have nothing to embarassed about.

I am sorry but I feel very embarassed. This is so shame. I just spoke to my mom and she couldn't believe it either. I am trying to raise my family here. We are trying our best to fit in this country. And it's hard sometime as a being minority. Perhaps this is just a step back for us.

I wish there's anything I can do. this is a shame. I am shocked and I really have no clue what to do right now.

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