i have a about 6 koi up for grabs. but i need to know what type of enviorment they are going to be kepted in. They are about 10 inches to 6 inches. Please if someone has a pond please let me know
Dave if jackson passes I'll take them. We have a 30x10 pond and its about 4ft deep on the sides and 5 in the middle. we have many koi in there and they had babies that survived. It's been running for about 5 or 6 years.
Steve, if you don't get them through David, I have a bunch of last years babies in my pond that are left from last summers spawn that you're welcome to.
Where are you located? I'd be happy to drop some off when the temperature levels off.
sigh i wish i could make a pond too, too bad im not at poconos alot more often, and im afraid bears and foxes will kill them. or else i'd get more and make a pond. for now i need to get rid of these guys