I am not a video game person per say. However I do have my favorites. Most of them revolve from card games I played as a kid and from hanging out at my buddies comic shop helping him out on the weekends to keep the kids from killing each other over card discrepancies.
So now in between trips to the range, work, and my workbench to glean and modify the items I used at the range I have one or 2 video game type things that I still enjoy and having a 10 year old son I can teach him too. I like to play Magic the Gathering online, Pokemon Trading card game online and the Pokemon video games on the gameboy.
BUT HOLY COW BATMAN NOW THERE IS A NEW APP CALLED POKEMON GO!!!! Based on Niantics game Ingress this is a real world Augmented Reality game that is so addictive and fun. :thrash:
Anyone else playing?
So now in between trips to the range, work, and my workbench to glean and modify the items I used at the range I have one or 2 video game type things that I still enjoy and having a 10 year old son I can teach him too. I like to play Magic the Gathering online, Pokemon Trading card game online and the Pokemon video games on the gameboy.
BUT HOLY COW BATMAN NOW THERE IS A NEW APP CALLED POKEMON GO!!!! Based on Niantics game Ingress this is a real world Augmented Reality game that is so addictive and fun. :thrash:
Anyone else playing?