It is basically what all the guys like Branson and Gates are trying to push so that we do not have to stop buying their products to lower carbon emissions...
If you read the "solutions" and their side effects, it is scary. "Let's pump tons of sulfur into the upper atmosphere to make the sun dimmer. Oh yeah it means less rain in Africa and Asia, and no more blue skies. That's ok right?"
I have been reading about it a lot lately. Most people I ask have never heard of it. A lot of it is being written off as another crazy conspiracy theory. These strategies are being pitched to possibly fight global warming. Some believe it is already being carried out. I'm not sure either way, I was just looking for another point of view.
Well I am partial as I do not like crazy scientists (I have been a researcher, and I know that the people who promise something with superlatives over forget to mention the negative aspects), but the reading of Naomi Klein's latest book does not make me too confident about geo-engineering...
ps: I tend to stir away from websites that talk about "chem trails" (that's where I imagine the author wearing a tinfoil hat). However it is really important for people to realize that geo-engineering is not in someone's imagination.