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bad coffee

Inept at life.
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I finally saw the preview for tonight's show.

I don't think Angel gets it. But the previews make it look like it.

I think that the 'scene' they're checking out is a recration of Dex's past. The time when he was 3 or so and covered in it. That's why he runs out going "I can't handle it" Remember he hates blood.

What if The ITK (assuming he's Dex's Bro) killed their Mom. Dad is alive later (last week's episode)




Advanced Reefer
Clifton, NJ
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He went after Angel but at a part that I did not expect.

You were dead on about the scene recreation.

Next week's episode looks good but with the way they edit the previous you can't tell what's going to happen.

bad coffee

Inept at life.
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I didn't see the previews for next week. I just watched in on demand. I'll try to catch the previews sometime this week.

I think if the ITK wanted to kill Angel he would have just slashed his throat. I think he did it as a warning/scare tactic.

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I think that the 'scene' they're checking out is a recration of Dex's past. The time when he was 3 or so and covered in it. That's why he runs out going "I can't handle it" Remember he hates blood.

I don't recall Dexter ever saying he hates blood. He's a forensics blood splatter expert. That line of work would be an odd choice for someone who hates blood. If he hated blood and couldn't stand it, he'd have a hard time dismembering the bodies for the eventual disposal.

bad coffee

Inept at life.
Rating - 100%
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He says it to Dokes (or Matsuka maybe) at one point. Maybe he was being sarcastic. If it was Matsuka it definatly was a joke.

Here's a couple more thoughts.

Dokes repeatedly tells Dexter he gives him the creeps. So why didn't his radar go off when the ITK walked 2 feet from him?

Also, I think that maybe the ITK is Dexter's Half brother. We didn't get a good look at the guy who chopped up his mom, but enough to see that he had a different body type than his dad. (guy in the truck with a spiderweb tattoo) So I'm thinking that the ITK's dad was the one who killed Dexter's mom. Maybe while Dexter's dad was in prison. Or maybe he framed Dexter's dad. . .

Not that I sit and think about this stuff, but the train on the way home was plastered with ads for the show.

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