My friend sells cars on craigslist and eBay all the time, he is legitimate but there are a lot of scammers out there too my friend is an actual dealer and he buys insurance fraud cars and cars that something happen to at a dealership that they can't be sold as new anymore, for a first car you won't be able to beat the price you can get some of these cars for and they are perfect!. Every car I drive came from him, not only me but, my fiancee, her sister, brother, my partner at work and 3 other guys from my job, and a bunch of friends all buy from him. They have a rebuilt title but no one will ever know that unless you tell them. My neighbors all think im rich with the cars that I'm driving but none of them know I paid 1/2 price for them. If you want I'll give you his number. Actually here's an example of a car I bought from him and I used for 6 months and now I'm reselling it Obviously this would not be the kind of car you are looking for but it's just an example. Fyi that car was $60,000 at the dealership!!