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Paul B

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Today is a day I really do not look forward to. Today I go as Santa to NYU hospital in Manhattan. They have a floor there for the children with the most severe cases of cancer and many of them don't make it. Every year they have about 60 young children there, almost half of them infants. They stay there with their parents as this is their last hope. They go there after all other cancer treatments have failed and they try to use whatever means are necessary to save them. I have been going here for about 10 years and have a very hard time with it but I feel good afterward. My wife's office donates two gurney's of toys and I visit the children who are not in quarantine to give them something. Very few of the children can even lift their heads much less accept a toy but I do try and usually get a little smile out of most of them. Most of the parents want me to hold the babies to take a picture which scares me to death with the dozens of wires and tubes connected to these poor kids.
These kids don't need money or gifts, they just need prayers and that is what I am asking for. Thank you.
This is my Grand Daughter in my house on her first Christmas. I am so thankful that my Grand Children are healthy but I know what so many parents go through and this experience every year puts a lot into perspective.


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That is perspective. God bless these little Angels and their families.
Thank you Paul for having the courage to step up. The children have my prayers and you have my respect.

Paul B

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No, not me but the social workers that work there and tend to these terminally sick kids every day the world takes for granted. I couldn't do this every day especially knowing that many of them don't get to go home. I don't know how they do it and look Jolly every day

Paul B

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Infinity, which hospital do you work at? I went last night, this year they put in a pediatric cardiatric unit on another floor which I also visited. Unfortunately both floors were full with no empty beds. Every year there is always at least one child or baby who seems to be in the most need for prayers and this year was no different. I can't believe there are so many infants with these massive problems as we are used to seeing happy, healthy babies only crying because they are hungry. There is no crying on these floors as the kids don't have the energy. All they need is prayers.


Sleeps With Fishes
New Jersey
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As a father myself you are a beautiful spirit sir. Every year my company does a crazy drive for toys for tots and also a 100% voluntary donation which we have had 100% participation for as long as I remember. I usually take solace in knowing that while the world at times is a beautiful place with beautiful people there is a cold hard underbelly. Those little angels didn't see the world for long but they can enjoy it for eternity up there.

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