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Hey guys- I have a problem w/ my computer and was wondering if anyone here knew what I should do.

When I turn on my computer I immediately get an error message that says I have a fan failure and if I want to continue to press f1 (which I do) or go to the manager system..

My computer runs fine- but I am worried that it could hurn my computer if I don't replace this... and what is it talking about anyway? The PC fan in the back?

Any help would be great!


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Long Island
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In the BIOS there are setting for the fan speed and temp alarm for the CPU and Motherboard. Sometimes those settings are wrong and trigger a false alarm. Asus motherboards and famous for this with their probe monitoring software. Make sure the fan connectors for the CPU and case are in the right connector as labeled on the motherboard. Some of the newer fans are larger aperture and lower fan RPM, that is where this problems usually happens


Chairman of the board
Forest Hills
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it telling u the cpu fan failed. it could mean 2 things:
1. ur cpu fan isnt working n cpu will fry if ur motherbrd dont have shut down the pc when it overheats.
2. the cpu fan is connect to another connector.
3. the cpu fan senor isnt working.
open the pc n check. the cpu fan should be attach to the heatsink.


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Thanks guys - I wish it wasn't such a pain to take my desktop out from this stupid little cubby hole in my desk- even though it is made for a computer it is not open back- so plugging things back in is like surgery!

I think I'll try to clean it 1st - havent' done that in a while. I am hoping dust is the problem!

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