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LOL I remember my TRS 80 Model 3 with the tape drive. No internet. War games was a fairy tale.


NJRC Member
North, NJ
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To answer your question I am running a SSD drive, the SSD drive acts as my primary for operating system & daily use programs/games. I then have a separate 3 TB drive that I use for storage.

In addition to my gaming/desktop PC I have a HTPC that has about 9 TB of storage for my movie backups, etc.

If you build a computer and select good hardware then stability won't be much of an issue. I am running windows 8.1 and have 0 issues w/ my system. With my SSD I can boot into windows in a few seconds.

To get rid of the annoying tiles I recommend buying "StartIsBack" it will make Windows 8's taskbar default to the Windows 7 style. Honestly I find myself rarely using the task bar except to shut down.

There is a program called fences, it allows you to make different plots on your desktop and store your icons in these plots. It helps to keep it organized.

Depending on what you're planning on doing with the computer will determine system specs. If you are going to be gaming and intensive hardware items I'd recommend a Samsung Pro 840 HD, if not get a Samsung EVO SSD. For storage I use WD Red drives.

Also I am an intel fan, I used to run amds exclusively, but with the recent intel q6600 - my current I5 intel I feel is leaps ahead.

Regarding graphics I like nvidia more than ati, ati has issues with their drivers and for the $ nvidia is great. Again if you aren't going to use heavy intensive graphics or games then you don't need anything crazy. You can pick up GTX 680s or even 700s for reasonable price.

Memory stick with crucial, corsair, or a well known brand. If you arent going to do too much gaming/intensive stuff then 8 GB will be fine. Get dual channel so 2 x 4 GB sticks. If you are going to be doing intense applications check out for 4 x 4 GB for 16 GB total.

Disc drive, I'd recommend a blu-ray burner, they aren't that expensive and the ability to burn 35 gigs of data to a single disc is nice.

Power supply again depends on use of PC, if you're not going too crazy with gfx & stuff a 650 watt should suffice. If going a bit more crazy go with an 800 watt. I highly recommend modular psus as they make wire management easier and I am ocd with wiring.

Case - depends on size and form factor. My desktop is a corsair 900d and my htpc is a small mini-itx

Hope this helps.


Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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Thanks Brando457, That's a lot of excellent information. I'm going to really have to research and become an expert with this new tech. A lot of what you mentioned is similar to what I was planning on running, though.

In the meantime, I figured I should take a look and find out the exact specs on my current computer.

Here we go:

Windows 7 Home Premium, 64 bit
AMD Sempron LE-1300 (2.3 GHz)
2.0 GB Ram
288 GB HDD with 172 GB Free
NVidia GeForce 6150 SE nForce graphics card
DVD RW optical drive

We're not heavy users. We like to do the normal things like surf the web, track budgets on Excel, use Word, and my wife has i-tunes (which seems HUGE in itself). When I work at home, I tend to use a lot of internet tabs, and when I try to listen to music (through youtube, for example), the system slows down enough to be noticeable. Video at any respectable quality seems to lag and jutters quite a bit also. I'm going to start using Photoshop (mostly for pictures once I get better with my camera, but that's another story).

It'd be nice to save some money and upgrade a few things (ram maybe?) but is it worth it given my current computer's hardware?


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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i wouldnt bother upgrading your currrnt pc , spend the money and build a quality pc and it will last many years to come , computer speeds are starting to come to a hault we rapidly shot up from 100 mhz processors to 3 ghz but cooling technologies are starting to put a hault on processor speed , in my opinion if you build a good quality pc it will last you at least 5 years , ive been running my first generation intel i7 machine for 6 years now and it still holds up with alot of technology today.
if you like send me a pm with a budget and i can gather a list of parts for you


Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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Thanks for the help. I might take you up on that in the near future. In the meantime I can buy 4 gb of ram for $56 and ditch the current 2 gb (to keep the ram the same)


Experienced Reefer
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What make and model of pc is this? Also, do you know what motherboard it's using? If you don't know, download, install and run cpuz from the net. Click on the mainboard tab.


Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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It's a Compaq CQ5300F. I don't know the motherboard. Looks like I can only upgrade to 4 GB ram, though.

At the suggestion of a buddy of mine, I uninstalled a few programs (most notably -- McAfee) and also performed a disk cleanup, defragged the hard drive, and installed and ran CCleaner. The computer is now running much better. It still lags a bit when I have multiple programs going, and could be quicker overall, but at least this will allow me some time to research (not to mention save up $) and build something much, much better.


Experienced Reefer
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I think that pc is still useful for what you're doing, if you make some upgrades. Your motherboard supports phenom 2 quad cores and you can get those used on ebay. You also need to get raise the ram to 4gb as you said earlier. Lastly, ssd drives will give you a dramatic increase in performance as some have suggested. I think microcenter is having a sale on samsung drives this week.

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