the mets finally make it to the playoffs with a yankee showing them how to do it with class and getting them there.
i think that says it all
Well I heard the only reason they have the Mets is because they cant fit all those people in Yankee stadium.
don't know if that's you in the pic, but you look alittle young to be considered extremely loyal.every sucky team has loyal fans cubs, mets, red sox, Some how misery binds you together. It is like the girl friend who stays with her boyfriend even if he beats her.
It is like the girl friend who stays with her boyfriend even if he beats her.
This is a comment i can deal with. and i'm sure they are some true yankee fans out there. i also give credit to them for having a Owner that does not care about filling his pockets, instead re-investing the money on his team cause he wants to win. but the true fact on those 26 world championship is that about 18 of them were when there was only 8 teams in the league. but even if there were more teams i'm sure they would of won a good amount of them because they always invest the money to win. I cannot post something like Yankee Suck even if they did. but i can say that i am a true met fan. true enough to know what it is to go through hell hoping that your team will someday start to go in there pockects. and thank the lord that day has come. for all you hating yankee fans (not you Remy)that like to bash out other teams just cause you team spend s the money that most other teams can't. i hope you guys never go through what most met fans have gone through because i'll bet for sure most of you would find a new team to cheer for. thats why we can say We are true fansYANKEES @ 06, BABY![]()
Next Years this will be posted "27 Times World Champions"
We are true fans
Sigh....Met fans act like they are the only NY baseball fans who've suffered.
Hey dean how can you have suffered so much, you must of forgot you guys one 26 WS....... LOL
ok i did not want to go there but you guys got me started. it would be nice to talk to most of the yankee fans to see how true they are. i can bet most are bandwagon fans that could not tell you who are there 5 starting pitchers
need i say more
with the avatar i would think you would definately be a true fan russ.......I was much too young to remember '61-'62. So my first championships were '77-'78. It was a very looooong drought for me too. I would have loved to see Mattingly get a ring as a player.
By the way Dace..........Wang, Mussina, Johnson, Wright & Karstens over Lidle any day. I watch every game. Take note of the lapse in time when I'm not on the MR boards everyday.
there are more bandwagon mets fans that yo about the same question for the mets.
and i wonder how many mets fans were all crying foul that the team was becoming all hispanic. u know that i can talk about.