About 8 months ago my girlfriend became a raw vegan. Her birthday is coming up and I need to get her a cake. Does anyone know of a good raw vegan bakery?
There is substantial evidence that both brain size and intelligence increased in the genus **** after the invention of fire allowed the cooking of foods, releasing more nutrients and increasing the efficiency of digestion.
BabyCakes in the city has a good selection of baked goods, you may be able to find a cake there for her. The vegan spot I used to go to in my old neighborhood in the uws is Peacefood, I remember them having small pastries not cakes. Good luck!
I was very amused to read my post and see that the genus to which our species belongs (Hint: it begins with an H) was blanked out and replaced by ****. My apologies if I offended anyone.
Raw vegan is someone who eats only raw foods. A bakery is a place where stuff is cooked (baked). I don't think the two mesh well together. Look into a fruit type arrangement like edible arrangement.
I can always count on you to respond to my threads with great advice. I noticed you don't post that often. I just wanted to thank you for the few times you do post it is to contribute to my threads.
Do you keep track of how often everyone posts?
Yesterday I NOTICED you responded to this and other posts that were very old This one being from March. After seeing all of your replies yesterday to things I commented on I take it as harassment. Don't bother me anymore