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Smartest Kid Ever Sells Girl Scout Cookies Outside a Medical Marijuana Clinic

Danielle Lei of San Francisco is one smart kid. According to Mashable, the 13-year-old and her mom chose a diabolically brilliant spot to vend Girl Scout cookies: outside the green-painted walls of a medical marijuana clinic. Unsurprisingly, sales were, um, high?the resourceful Scout dispensed 117 cookie boxes in two hours, 37 more than she managed to sell outside a neighborhood Safeway grocery store the following day. The Green Cross signed on completely:
"It's no secret that cannabis is a powerful appetite stimulant, so we knew this would be a very beneficial endeavor for the girls," Holli Bert, a staff member at The Green Cross, told Mashable in an email. "It's all about location, and what better place to sell Girl Scout cookies than outside a medical cannabis collective?"​
Duuude. It is a rare magical moment when the invisible hand makes a shaka sign and supply wafts up to mingle with the perfumed plumes of demand. But another cool thing about this story, besides its 13-year-old heroine monetizing the munchies for a cause, is that it may have its origins in a scam that went viral: a Photoshopped image, later debunked by Gawker, of three Girl Scouts selling cookies in front of a Colorado pot shop. Witness an ephemeral Internet spoof converted into real-world inspiration, the boisterous Web justifying its existence for another day.

Setting up your cookie shop outside a pot clinic certainly hews to the spirit of the Girl Scout motto: ?Be prepared.? I also admire what is either epic stoner chillness or undiluted business acumen on the part of NorCal?s troop leadership: ?We?re not telling people where they can and can?t go if it?s a legitimate business,? shrugged a spokesperson.

Her laissez-faire attitude stands in refreshing contrast to the minicrises that sometimes bubble up when, say, a mom illicitly uses her Facebook page to advertise her daughter?s Thin Mints.

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All your post are about pot
Still waiting on proof if your birthday

I will scan my license. The medical store really has nothing to do with the main point of the story. It was just a quick reference to give people an idea of where the cookie stand is located.

The story is about a courageous underprivileged adolescent girl scout quest to sell cookies to help support her troop which she loves so much and will do anything for. This is a story about her loyalty to her friends, mentors, fellow girl scouts and their leaders.
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Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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All your post are about pot
Still waiting on proof if your birthday

I agree. The only reason i clicked the link is because I thought perhaps it would be different. Fooled me :tired:

Perhaps you should go here next time you feel the urge to post about pot. ..

By all means keep posting about your sharks.



Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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The story is about a courageous underprivileged adolescent girl scout quest to sell cookies to help support her troop which she loves so much and will do anything for. This is a story about her loyalty to her friends, mentors, fellow girl scouts and their leaders.

No its not. It's about a greedy girl who wants to sell the most cookies. Capitalism at its best.


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Staten Island
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why does she have to be greedy? shes just a smart girl who knows what shes doing, and how to market her cookies to make the team money or her self what ever it may be. when you walk past a homeless man everyday, do you think twice to give him a few penny's or do you just walk past with no emotion ?

im just saying not getting at you or anyone. I understand what she is doing but gosh why does everyone have to be so uptight about ever dang thing on this forum. ..

gets to be sickening :grouphug::grouphug:


Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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Rob I'm not knocking her. Capitalism at its best. I have four daughters and I can guarantee you I wouldn't take any of them to sell cookies next to a pot house. I understand that's my personal opinion and I have no objections to people right to do what they want. Maybe I should have stated greedy parent?



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Staten Island
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well i wouldn't put my child outside a pot house either cause its not the parent thing to do. as well not to teach your kids to do that. But in the end if the story goes for the girl selling her cookies to make her scouts camp money then so be it. but yea i understand where your coming from. i dont have kids but i hear you out.


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Apex Freak
Amityville, NY
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The news portray this as cute and that it is something clever.

Nothing funny here. This is Capitalism at its best and worst. The exploitation by any means necessary to achieve profit. And just because it's for a good cause doesn't make it right.


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isn't the reason people are in business is to make profit who can sell the most. as mentioned she shouldn't be in front of a pot house or a liquor store for that matter. not the places for children to be. but thats the parents responsibility. I'm sure it wasn't the kids idea.


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I'm shocked another pot related story by sharkbait420.

It has been determined that the medical store really has nothing to do with the main point of the story. It was just a quick reference to give people an idea of where the cookie stand is located.

The story is about a courageous underprivileged adolescent girl scout quest to sell cookies to help support her troop which she loves so much and will do anything for. This is a story about her loyalty to her friends, mentors, fellow girl scouts and their leaders.


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If she wanted to rake in the money she would sell Thin Mints the Medicinal Version.

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