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my wife is determined to replace our 20 year old sony tube tv and our 10 year old front projection tv. she seems to have decided on a Samsung led, probably someone at work told her its the best; we have a lot of light so plasma is out. I know very little about TV's, anyone know the difference between model numbers? my limted knowledge of tvs seems to point to the 6000 model series as what we want but anyone know what difference is between model # in the 6000 series? thanks in advance. anyone know a reason why we should nt buy Samsung would also be appreciated?


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Brewster, NY
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LEDs are good for our tanks, why not us lol,, In my experience, Samsung makes a great tvs, the best probably, but most lack sound that a sony would have. If your gonna get a Samsung, be prepared for a surround sound too.
*I have a Samsung, dont know which model, and surround sound,,I love it!

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