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The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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I'm not getting it one, basically I've been lucky the last so many years and not many, or any, people that I work with or around have had it.

I think a lot depends on where you work, how you get to work and the people that you work with. Because of a lot of these things some people get very exposed to it, so a flu shot would probably be a good time.


Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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I work for a hospital and the dept of health is requiring all employees to be vaccinated or to wear a mask in patient-care areas.

Personally, I'm a type-1 diabetic and the flu REALLY messes with my blood sugar levels, so I've always got the flu shot. This year, though, the flu shot was followed by 4-5 days of unexplained high numbers. Not sure what I'm doing next year.


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North Jersey
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No flu shot for me. I don't trust them or do I see the benefit of them. I just started taking them only cause the wife got pregnant a few years ago but considering virus are a plenty and change very quickly I don't see how they were effective. Isn't the vaccine just the most common ones they think are going around that time?

If you do get them, ask for the no mercury ones. Personally I work on making sure I eat healthy and stay healthy and take care of myself at first signs on any colds and illnesses.


Pro hobby anti profit!
Staten Island ny
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I work in a hospital and for 11 years now I have not gotten it , but with a new baby in my home I thought it would be the wise thing to do , and yes this years flu is very bad , also wanted to add that even if you do get sick , it will only have the effects of a common head cold and be gone within 3days .

I'm pro flu shot ! Got mine in November hospital was offering it for free.
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For the last 10 years or so, I've gotten a flu shot every year. Never had complications, never had the flu. With my son being a physician, he'd never let me hear the end of it if I didn't get one. Especially now, I'm getting chemo, and I'm immunocompromised, so it's more important than ever. I'm a HS teacher, so I'm always exposed to viruses. No flu vaccine will ever give immunity to every strain out there, but I feel that there is also a social obligation to get the flu shot. The more people immunized, the harder it is for the viruses to spread. It's no big deal for me to get one, and if I can block someone else's chain of transmission, I'm happy. Also, despite the fact that the virus not only mutates but recombines with other strains, immunity still exists and remains even if incomplete. On the one hand, this may mean that if you get the flu after getting the shot, it won't be as severe. But look at history- the 1918 pandemic differentially killed the young. In part, it was because their healthy immune systems "over-reacted", and the exaggerated immune response helped kill them. But it was also because older people had already been exposed to genetically similar viruses. Same with the recent spring "swine" flu outbreak a few years ago. A similar virus had caused an outbreak in the 1950's, so many older people were unaffected.


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Great place for medical advise. How about check with your doctor? Or you can ask your doctor how to lower your phosphate level in your reef tank.
Seriously are you going to base your decision on the advise you get off the fish forum?


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a doctor will recommend a flu shot, thats their business. just like your lfs will sell you something for phosphate.
their are many strains of the flu, the shot only covers that strain.
if you work in a hospital or drs office its a must. jmo


Old School Reefer
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My doctor has never recommended the flu shot for me. As a matter of fact we've had in depth conversations about it and based on age, never having contracted the flu in the past, he's always suggested I pass on it.

So no, not all doctors will recommend it because they want to 'sell' it.



Advanced Reefer
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My doctor has never recommended the flu shot for me. As a matter of fact we've had in depth conversations about it and based on age, never having contracted the flu in the past, he's always suggested I pass on it.

So no, not all doctors will recommend it because they want to 'sell' it.

your right, not all but most will recommend it. sounds like you have a good doc.
im 54 and don't remember ever getting the flu either, thats probably why i feel i don't need it.
i just read about a nurse in PA, the hospital she worked in required it and she refused the shot because she's pregnant. they fired her. not right imo.
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A flu shot covers several strains. Flu is international and seasonal, and patterns of distribution are predictable. So the years current shot is based on the dominant strains of flu seen in the areas where flu is likely to arrive from. Not everyone will be recommended for the shot, especially if supplies are limited. If you are in your 20's,30's, even 40's and in good health with no respiratory problems, then the shot will not normally be pushed on you. If you have a history of asthma or other respiratory conditions, and if you're over 50, they will push it. In my entire life, I believe I have had the real flu only once, in my mid-20's. Wasn't fun. I didn't start getting flu shots til I hit my 50's. Keep in mind, that much of the "flu" is not the flu. A very bad cold can be pretty much the same. Also, don't forget mycoplasma pneumonia. It presents just like the flu, but since it's bacterial, it's easily treated with antibiotics. If untreated, it goes away on its own. Many people get it, assume its the flu, and treat it as such. They're sick for a while, then recover...like a bad flu. I had it once- went to the Dr. thinking I had the flu. My Dr. took a chest x-ray, and called me that evening- it was mycoplasma. After a few days I was fine and able to go back to work the following Monday. It does pay to check things out.
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There is no formal age cut-off. If you have no history of respiratory problems, you're Dr may not recommend it til you're past 60. I have a history of allergic bronchitis in the winter...so it was my allergist who pushed the vaccine on me. Actually, I was still in my 40's when I started to get the shot.

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