Myth, tanks can go for months without water changes with the correct amount of filteration, light cycle, parameters, and biological life within
myth:" experts" on forums actually give advice to help beginners.
Fact: "experts" get a kick out of seeing us fail.
Best way to learn is to make mistakes.
And biggest mistake i made in 2 years in this hobby is wasting tons of $$$$ listening to "experts" who dont realize that their 180 gallon systems are not the same as my 34!
I guess wisdom doesnt come with age to all.
Myth:" experts" on forums actually give advice to help beginners.
Fact: "experts" get a kick out of seeing us fail.
Best way to learn is to make mistakes.
And biggest mistake i made in 2 years in this hobby is wasting tons of $$$$ listening to "experts" who dont realize that their 180 gallon systems are not the same as my 34!
I guess wisdom doesnt come with age to all.
You're making a big mistake man. That will not work for much longer.[PDF OVERLAY][/PDF OVERLAY]never test for anything.....have over 15+ fish and plenty of coral feed heavily twice a part is I just started this tank 4-5 months ago[PDF OVERLAY][/PDF OVERLAY]
Myth:" experts" on forums actually give advice to help beginners.
Fact: "experts" get a kick out of seeing us fail.
Best way to learn is to make mistakes.
And biggest mistake i made in 2 years in this hobby is wasting tons of $$$$ listening to "experts" who dont realize that their 180 gallon systems are not the same as my 34!
I guess wisdom doesnt come with age to all.
fact: This hobby requires patience.