I find it very interesting that Sea World did not have a spoke person to explain their side. It didn't have to be in the movie. It could of been after movie in Crossfire.
So lets get to it. First I was able to see the Believe show in 2008. I was amazed how smart killer whales are. I found it very entertaining and was amazed of the tricks or stunts. Gain a lot of respect for mammal. Last year went back to Sea World and watch the show again. No longer Believe to Shamu. Show had energy and the crowd was in it. But was not same as no trainners were in water. So without that it was different.
Now of the deaths of a few trainners. Sea World is without hiding and covering up. Making up all kinds of stories about the death of Dawn Brancheau. Blaming her pony tail? We can talk about this to no end. So let me tell you how I feel.
Sea World is a great place and has good interest in helping in education us. Caring for sea life. But when and where do you draw the line. Why not have bigger holding tanks. And one part of Blackfish was very upsetting is when they separated mother and baby whale. Why would Sea World do this? So where is Sea World best interest here.I also like how they were breeding in captive. Other BS story. So now we know more behind the scene. Why not speak the truth. Sea World should fix this because it can be fixed. But they cover ups and lying has to stop if they are in the best interest of killer whale. Simply we do not belong playing and training them. That's not they natural behavior. Sea World it's time to come clean. You are do
I think Sea world tried to put all the blame on Her which was very wrong!! I understand they are trying to protect there company but come on!! this women was a trained professional that been with these animals for ever... something went wrong that day and it may have been an accident or what ever, But **** happens think about all the sick people in the world today and what they do to each other everyday.. Maybe the whale just snapped maybe she didnt maybe she was just pissed, but to blame the trainer is just wrong.. me personally i will never step foot in sea world again,, they make billions of dollars there and there is no reason they cant build bigger tanks for these animals and take better care of them, as far as i know now the trainers are not allowed in the tanks with the whales anymore which i think is a good thing. these are wild animals and you never know when they can snap and hurt someone maybe not even knowing they were hurting someone... thats jus my 2 cents!!!!!!!